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Professional Internship Programme

The objective of professional internships is to acquaint students with the tasks and challenges involved in the daily practices of organisations and professionals in international relations, security and development.

These internships may be curricular or extracurricular. In either case, the student must be enrolled in a Master’s Programme offered by IBEI. IBEI offers its own curricular internships.

These are managed directly through collaboration agreements already in place with various companies and institutions. Professional internships do not establish a connection or work relationship between the student and the company or institution.

Enrolment & Selection process

Curricular internships make up part of the curriculum of each Master’s Programme. Students are required to enrol in the elective course entitled "Internship" (code 9040), worth 4 ECTS credits. This internship is thus part of the 60 credits necessary to complete the Master’s programme. Internships are required to have a minimum of 120 hours and a maximum of 900 hours.

Organisations working in collaboration with IBEI send descriptions of available internships, which will be forwarded to students who have requested information about the internships IBEI offers. Students may then notify IBEI if they are interested in any.

The final selection of the candidates will be made by the organisation. The internships will be formalised through an annex of the Internship Agreement signed by IBEI, the organisation and the selected student.

Assessment of curricular internships

Curricular internships are subject to a predefined and standardised assessment system, based on two reports:

  1. Report from the student’s supervisor in the organisation (⬇️ IBEI Supervisor Internship Evaluation Report).
  2. Five-page personal report written by the student  (⬇️ Assessment of Curricular Internships).

The final assessment will be made once the internship has been completed, according to the evaluation of the two reports, and the student will receive a Pass/Fail grade.

Internship Placements

IBEI students have completed internships at sites such as these over the last two years:

  • Acumen Public Affairs. Brussels
  • ACUP-GUNI. Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques & Global University Network for Innovation
  • Acción contra el Hambre
  • AmChamSpain. American Chamber of Commerce in Spain
  • Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
  • Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona. Àrea d’Internacional i Cooperació
  • ASEAN Foundation
  • Cambra de Comerç Brasil-Catalunya
  • Centre d’Estudis per la Pau JM Delàs
  • CIDOB. Barcelona Centre for International Affairs
  • Consulado General Británico en Barcelona
  • Cruz Roja Cataluña. Departamento de Cooperación Internacional, Derechos Humanos y Derecho Humanitario
  • DCH. Organización Internacional de Directivos de Capital Humano
  • DemocraciaAbierta / openDemocracy. Barcelona and Bogotá
  • Dutch Embassy in Australia
  • Dutch Embassy in Vietnam
  • Embassy of Sweden in Pretoria
  • ESADEGeo. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics
  • Esglobal
  • Ferdinand Consultants
  • FIIAPP. Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas. Madrid
  • FocusEconomics
  • Fundació Blanquerna Research Group GLOBALCODES
  • IEN. Fundació Institut d'Estudis Nord-Americans
  • Generalitat de Catalunya. Secretaria d'Acció Exterior i de la UE
  • Geos Atlas
  • German Embassy in South Africa
  • German Parliament. Office of a Member of Parliament. Berlin
  • GlobalCAD. Centro de Alianzas para el Desarrollo
  • HCSS. Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
  • Human Rights Watch
  • IBEI Research Project DEMOC
  • IBEI Research Project ENGAGE
  • IBEI Research Project ETHNICGOODS
  • IBEI Research Project ILSGPD
  • IBEI Research Project INGOV
  • IBEI Research Project OILDOWN
  • IBEI Research Project RECONNECT
  • IBEI Research Project Reg-EULAC
  • IBEI Research Project RESPAX
  • IBEI Research Project SECUREU
  • IBEI Research Project TiGRE
  • ICU Medical Costa Rica
  • IEMed. Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània
  • IFIT. Institute for Integrated Transitions
  • IICA. Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura
  • International Amnesty
  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. South Caucasus Country Cluster Delegation
  • ISGlobal. Instituto de Salud Global
  • Mans Unides
  • Metropolis. World Association of the Major Metropolises
  • Middle East Consulting Solutions
  • Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación. Secretaría General de Organismos Internacionales
  • Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación. Secretaría General de No Proliferación y Desarme
  • Ministerio de Defensa de España. Secretaría General de Política de Defensa. Madrid
  • Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development in Germany
  • NOVACT. Instituto Internacional por la Acción Noviolenta
  • NTT Data
  • Relief Applications
  • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
  • Save the Children
  • SciTech Diplohub. The Barcelona Science and Technology Diplomacy Hub
  • Search for Common Ground
  • Sentinel Atlas
  • Spain-US Chamber of Commerce. New York
  • Street Child
  • SUEZ Spain S.L.
  • UNESCO. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau. Bangkok
  • UNICEF. United Nations Children’s Fund. East Asia and Pacific Regional Office. Bangkok
  • Union for the Mediterranean
  • United Cities and Local Governments
  • United Nations Global Compact. Berlin
  • United Nations Information Centre in Mexico