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Conversations on geopolitical affairs (6 hour course)

Friday June 22, 2018, from 11:00 to 18:30
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)

Javier Solana (ESADEgeo)

Angel Saz-Carranza (ESADEgeo) - Moderator

Summer School in Global Politics, Development and Security

6 hour course

Javier Solana (ESADEgeo)

Angel Saz-Carranza (ESADEgeo) - Moderator

June 22 (11.00 am - 2.00 pm; and 3.30 pm - 6.30 pm)



This two-sessions course aims at having an engaged dialogue with one of the main former European politicians, Javier Solana. Based on his writings, and moderated by Prof. Saz-Carranza, the semi-structured conversations will revolve around (i) key principles in international governance—such as multilateralism, international institutions, and global public goods—(ii) the security complex, (iii) the EU, (iv) Middle East, and (v) USA and China.

In collaboration with: