Economic Analysis of Governments
Credits: 6 ECTS
First semester
Compulsory courses
The main goal of this course is to promote intellectual independence in topics related to the economics of governments. After the course, students should be able to know and apply the theoretical principles of public intervention in the economy, such as i) understand the interaction between markets and governments, ii) know the rationale behind state interventions aimed at improving social welfare, iii) identify public policies that foster equity in the distribution of resources and income, iv) analyze the role of government regulation in correcting market failures, and iv) assess the adequacy and impact of public policies. In addition, students should be able to apply these concepts in real-world tasks and to learn how to learn more advanced material. For instance, students should be able to:
- Critically read specialized newspaper articles discussing public policy issues;
- Critically read scientific articles aimed at evaluating public policies;
- Write professional reports for governments, regulatory agencies, or consultancy firms;
- Follow PhD courses in public sector economics.
The overall grade for this course is calculated based on:
- Group presentations: 20%
- Assessments: 30%
- Final exam: 50%