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2018 edition | Barcelona Summer School in Global Politics, Development and Security

Laia Balcells is Associate Professor at Georgetown University (USA). Her research explores the causes and consequences of political violence and civil wars, warfare dynamics during conflict, and redistribution and conflict. She has been Assistant Professor of Political Science at Duke University (2012-2017), a Niehaus Visiting Associate Research Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University (2015-16), and Chair of Excellence at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spring 2017). Also, she is affiliated with the IBEI and she has taught at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). She has published in the American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Studies Quarterly, Politics & Society, and Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, among other journals. She has been recipient of the APSA Luebbert Prize for Best Article in Comparative Politics and the Harry Frank Guggenheim Research grant. Her first book, entitled Rivalry and Revenge: the Politics of Violence during Civil War has been published in 2017 with Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics).

David Chandler is Professor of International Relations at the University of Westminster. He was the founding editor of the Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding and currently edits the journal Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses. He also edits two Routledge book series, Studies in Resilience and Advances in Democratic Theory. His research interests focus on analysis of policy interventions in the international arena, including humanitarianism, statebuilding and the promotion of resilience. He is also interested in contemporary theories challenging the anthropocentrism of modernist thought, particularly in relation to the Anthropocene, the ontopolitics of critique and new technologies, including algorithmic governance, sensorial assemblages and Big Data. His most recent monographs are: Ontopolitics in the Anthropocene: An Introduction to Mapping, Sensing and Hacking (Routledge, 2018); Peacebuilding: The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1997-2017 (Palgrave, 2017); The Neoliberal Subject: Resilience, Adaptation and Vulnerability (with Julian Reid) (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Resilience: The Governance of Complexity (Routledge, 2014).

Philippe Droz-Vincent is Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Sciences-Po Grenoble (France). His main research interests are: the Arab uprisings in 2011, authoritarianism, the different paths of transition, the role of the military and of the security sector in Middle Eastern countries, state-building, intervention, the use of force in international relations, counterinsurgency, peacebuilding, and American foreign policy in the Middle East. He is author of The Middle East: Authoritarian Regimes and Stalled Societies (in French, Presses Universitaires de France, 2004); Dizziness of Power: The American Moment in the Middle East (in French, Editions La Découverte, 2007) and The Middle East (in French, Paris, Le Cavalier Bleu, 2009), and numerous articles in prestigious journals such as International Journal of Middle East Studies, Armed Forces and Society and the Middle East Journal. He is a humanitarian actor as head of the Syrian mission for Médecins du Monde (Doctor of the World) France.

Georges Fahmi is a research fellow at the Middle East Directions Programme of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, at the European University Institute in Fiesole, Italy. Previously, Fahmi was a non-resident scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Centre in Beirut, Lebanon. His research focuses on religious actors in democratic transition in the Middle East, the interplay between state and religion in Egypt and Tunisia, and religious minorities and citizenship in Egypt and Syria. He received his PhD from the European University Institute.

Valeria fedeli, PhD in Planning and Public Policies, is Associate Professor at DASTU, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. She is currently vice coordinator of the Urban Planning, Design and Policy PHD Program and Jean Monnet Professor in “EU Urban policy”. She is President of Eura, European Urban Research Association and member of the Scientific Committee of Urban@it, Centro nazionale per le politiche urbane.


Branko Milanovic is a leading scholar on income inequality. In 2014, he joined the Graduate Center (The City University of New York) as Visiting Presidential Professor and LIS Senior Scholar. Before coming to the Graduate Center, he was Lead Economist in the World Bank's research department. He is author of The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Brief and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality and numerous articles on the global income distribution in journals such as Nature, Journal of Globalization and Development, Review of Economic and Wealth among others. His most recent book is Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization (Harvard University Press 2016).

Angel Saz-Carranza is Director of ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics, and Associate Professor, Department of Strategy and General Management in ESADE. He earned a PhD in Public Management from ESADE as a Visiting Scholar at Wagner School of Public Service (New York University) where he spent three years. Previously he earned a Master's degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial College (University of London). A beneficiary of La Caixa and Fulbright scholarships, he has managed several European Framework Program research grants. His research interest includes Global Regulation & Global Governance, Interorganisational Networks, State-Owned Enterprises, Public Performance Management, Public-Private Partnerships, Contracts, Alliances.

Martin Shaw is a historical sociologist of global politics, war and genocide. His books include Marxism and Social Science (1974), Dialectics of War (1988), Post-Military Society (1991), Civil Society and Media in Global Crises (1996), Theory of the Global State (2000), War and Genocide (2003), The New Western Way of War (2005), What is Genocide? (2007) and most recently Genocide and International Relations: Changing Patterns in the Transitions of the Late Modern World (2013). He is Research Professor at the Institut Barcelona dEstudis Internacionals (IBEI), Professorial Fellow in International Relations and Human Rights at the University of Roehampton, London, and Emeritus Professor of International Relations at the University of Sussex.

Javier Solana is president of ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics. He is also distinguished senior fellow in Foreign Policy at Brookings Institution, chairman of the Aspen Institute España, honorary president of the Centre for Human Dialogue (Geneva), member of the board of the International Crisis Group, the European Council on Foreign Relations, and Human Rights Watch, as well as senior visiting professor at the London School of Economics, where he was awarded an Honorary Degree in December 2010. After serving in the Spanish government as Foreign Affairs Minister under Felipe González (1982–1995) and as the Secretary General of NATO (1995–1999), he was appointed the European Union's High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and Secretary-General of the Western European Union and held these posts from October 1999 until December 2009.

Eduard Soler i Lecha is Doctor in International Relations and Graduate in Political Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He is currently Senior research fellow and research coordinator at CIDOB (Barcelona Center for International Affairs) and associate lecturer in the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). Since december 2009 he is also serving as advisor on Mediterranean Affairs for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during the EU term Presidency. He is a member of the Observatory of European Foreign Policy and participates in different transnational research projects and networks such as EuroMeSCo and INEX. His works have been published as monographic volumes and in journals such as Mediterranean Politics, Insight Turkey and Europe’s world. His main areas of expertise are: Euro-Mediterranean relations, Turkey’s foreign and domestic politics, North African and Middle Eastern political dynamics, Spain's Mediterranean policy and security cooperation in the Mediterranean. 

Mariona Tomàs is Assistant professor of Political Science at the Universitat de Barcelona. Her research focuses on metropolitan governance, urban policies and local government. She has published several articles, book chapters, and comparative studies. She has been a researcher at the National Institute for Scientific Research of Quebec (INRS) and postdoc at the University of Montreal. She received the Academic Gold Medal of the General Governor of Canada and INRS Award for her PhD in Urban Studies (2007). In 2013 she won the first prize of the political book of the Parliament of Quebec.

Lurdes Vidal is Head of the Arab and Mediterranean World Department at the IEMed. She holds a degree in Translation and Interpretation from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and studied International Relations. She is Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly journal afkar/ideas and contributes to diverse media. She lectures on the subject of Arab Politics in the Master on the Arab and Islamic World at the University of Barcelona. Her notable publications include “Democracia islámica: ¿un debate envenenado?”, in Ámbitos de Política y Sociedad (2008), Los retos de la educación básica en países del Mediterráneo Sur, Fundación Carolina/CeALCI/IEMed (2006); “Islam político y democracia, riesgo u oportunidad?”, in Ámbitos de Política y Sociedad (2006), “El reto del desarrollo en Egipto”, in DCidob (2006), “Syria, Vertigo in the Face of a Radicalised Revolution and an Uncertain Future”, a Med.2012 IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook (2012), “Perceptions on Democracy and Islamism: Hypotheses and Second-Guessed Predictions”, a Euromed Survey 2011 (2012) y “Blogs y redes sociales: la rebelión de los jóvenes árabes” (2013), Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo (en prensa). She lived in Damascus (Syria) in 1998, where she studied Arabic.