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Fernando Ledo, IBEI alumni 2005-06

Name and Last Name: Fernando Ledo

Nationality: Argentinian

Master studied at IBEI: Master's in International Relations

Class: 2005-2006

Current working company, position and city: Senior Advisor at the Board of Director at the African Development Bank (AfDB)

Linkedin: https://ci.linkedin.com/in/fernando-ledo-casablancas-74747092

Why did you choose IBEI Master's programmes?

With a background in economics, I decided to take IBEI programme to understand better other aspects of the international scene. The courses in Politics, International Law and International Relations Theory gave to me powerful tools to understand better the complexity affecting politics, institutions and the international economy.

Explain your professional experience

After working in private sector and NGOs, I was hired by Argentine Government in 2014 for represent my country at the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank (AfDB), currently based in Cote d’Ivoire. I have two main responsibilities in my position. Firstly, as an International Finance Institution, the AfDB has a mandate for develop Africa through the financing the development of the African countries. The Board of Directors has to approve all the projects and policies AfDB. My task, as Senior Adviser, is analyze this projects and policies before Board discussion. I work together in a team (called constituency group) with an Executive Director from Japan and an Adviser from Austria. Finally, my second task is represent the interest of my country inside the institution. Is a diplomatic representation coordinated by the Minister of Finance, in my case from Argentina and Brazil. I also work in tandem with my peers in the World Bank, Inter-Ameri can development Bank and IMF.

How the Master’s has influenced on your professional development?

The lessons learned at the IBEI help me today in many ways. First, is important to understand not only the economic dynamics behind the policies that governs the “development”. These policies are the outcome of a multiple negotiations that represent different positions. I still remember what I learn in my courses of European Institutions, RI and Politics. Secondly, is possible to see how important was the theory of RI to understand a system governed by States, particularly when you work in an International institution. The power difference of each actor (in this case each country) plays a fundamental role to understand the dynamic of an institutions. I remember m any games that we did during our courses of RI and Politics. Finally, the international experience of share a course with students from other countries can be translated to my days today. I am using that experience every day when I work with a colleague fr om China, Holland, Nigeria or US.