Globalization and Public Policy
Our main focus is the politics that underpin contemporary globalization. We explore how macro-level processes such as market creation, state transformation and the diffusion of new governance models shape, and are shaped by, the strategies and capacities of different actors to advance their economic and political interests. In addressing these broader issues, our research spans a broad range of topics, most importantly the creation and development of regulatory agencies, the adoption and implementation of public policies and the rise of new mechanisms of international governance.
The cluster includes scholars with training in political science, international relations, law and economics. The substantive research by our group members investigates antitrust initiatives and the regulation of electricity and finance markets, and analyses international governance through the lens of conditionality policies, transparency measures, and crisis management. Other focal points include the intersection between globalization and environmental policy making, the regional diffusion of new social policy models (e.g., health, education), and the role of interest groups in multilevel systems of government. In pursuit of this research, group members draw on a variety of different methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative techniques, and compare countries and/or subnational units across a range of different world regions, including Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia.
Group Members
- Yannis KaragiannisContact person
Related Projects
- EU Research and Education Network on Foreign policy issues: Values and Democracy (EU-VALUES)
- EU Research and Education Network on Europe in the World (EU-RENEW)
- The Democratic Qualities of Regulatory Agencies in Catalunya and their impact on Public Trust (DEMOC)
- The Europeanization of national competition policies (EURONCP)
- Agenda Dynamics on Social Media (ADSOM)
- Gender division on the agenda of the Parliament of Catalonia (DEMOC)
- Transparency Policy and Information Laws in a multilevel system of governance (TRANSAUTO)
- Regional social regulation in Latin America: A new agenda for development? Prospects and challenges (SOCIAL-REG)
- Counter-Productive Incentives Schemes in European and International Politics (CPI-EIP)
- Regulatory Governance in Higher Education: a Comparative Analysis of Instruments, Agencies and Audiences (UNIREGOV)
- Enhancing the EU's Transboundary Crisis Management Capacities: Strategies for Multi-Level Leadership (TRANSCRISIS)