IBEI Research Seminars 2021-22
During the course 2021-22, IBEI has organised a series of research seminars, which normally take place once a week. For this academic year, we count with speakers like Manuel Vogt (University College London), Matthias Koenig (University of Heidelberg), Adam Holesch (IBEI), Etienne Piguet (University of Neuchâtel), Dennis Rodgers (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies) and Carl Henrik Knutsen (University of Oslo) among others. Check the complete list below:
- 25 October: Mobilization and Conflict in Multiethnic States. Manuel Vogt (University College London). Co-organized by IBEI and ETHNICGOODS. More information
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- 20 December: Conflicts over the rule of law with the European Union: Democratic Backsliding in Poland. Adam Holesch (IBEI). More information
- 17 January (online): Contestations of the Liberal Script and Higher Education: National and International Factors Shaping Academic Freedom from 1960 to 2015. Julia Lerch (University of California Irvine). Co-organized by IBEI and ETHNICGOODS. More information
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- 24 January (online): Norm emergence in the nascent world polity – The multiple origins of religious rights in international law, 1800-1918. Matthias Koenig (University of Heidelberg). Co-organized by IBEI and ETHNICGOODS. More information
- 27 January (online): Migration and Climate Change – What do we know? What can we expect? Etienne Piguet (University of Neuchâtel). Co-organized by IBEI and GRITIM-UPF. More information
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- 21 February. Gang rule(s): Towards a political economy of gangland violence in Nicaragua. Dennis Rodgers (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva)). More information
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- 28 February. Fighting the Disease or Manipulating the Data? Democracy, State Capacity, and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Carl Henrik Knutsen (University of Oslo). More information
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- 7 March. Embedded Liberalism versus Economic Nationalism: Explaining Trust in Political Leaders during Economic Shocks. Mattia Guidi (University of Siena). More information
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- 14 March (online). The Closure of the International System: How International Institutions Create Political Equalities and Hierarchies. Lora Anne Viola (Free University of Berlin). More information
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- 28 March (online). Nationalist Education and Emigrant Assimilation. Harris Mylonas (George Washington University). Co-organized by IBEI and ETHNICGOODS. More information
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- 4 April (online). Perceptions of the past in the post-Soviet space. Kristin Bakke (University College London). More information
- 25 April. Evidence-based policy with context-based evidence. The case of behavioral public policy. Paolo Belardinelli (London School of Economics). More information
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- 2 May. The Demand Side of Democratic Backsliding: Evidence from Two Conjoint Experiments. Natasha Wunsch (Sciences Po Paris). More information
- 9 May. Urban immigrant regimes: conceptualizing local actor coalitions in the governance of migration-based diversity. Maria Schiller (Erasmus University Rotterdam). More information
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- 23 May. Political Racism: Brexit and Its Aftermath (book launch). Martin Shaw (IBEI). More information
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- 30 May. The Unbearable Lightness of War in Nineteenth Century Latin America. Luis Schenoni (University College London). More information
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- 2 June. Research collaboration in the social sciences in Latin America: gaining international visibility. Carolina Guzmán-Valenzuela (University of Tarapacá (Chile)). More information
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- 13 June. The Survival of the Secret Treaty: Publicity, Secrecy and Legality in the International Order. Megan Donaldson (University College London). More information
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