The Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), in the framework of the VI International Conference in Development Studies (VI CIED), organised by the Spanish Network of Development Studies (REEDES) and the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), announce the III Award SEGIB-AECID in research on Sustainable Development in Ibero-America, with the aim of promoting and spreading research on the Agenda 2030 in Ibero-America.
The award will be regulated by the following bases:
- Announcement of an award and an honourable mention in research, to be chosen amongst the papers to be presented in the VI CIED (Barcelona, 8th -10th June 2022).
- An award with an economic endowment of 700 Euros and an honourable mention with 300 Euros will be awarded (subject to legal withholdings). The two prized works will be recognized through their corresponding diploma issued by SEGIB-AECID and by REEDES and IBEI (as organising entities of the V CIED), and they will be proposed for their possible publication in the Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies (RIED), with an expressed mention to the award.
- The papers and people opting for the Award will have to fulfil the following requirements:
- Remission of their work in the same conditions as the ones determined for the VI CIED paper.
- The topic must be on the Agenda 2030 and its interpretation, application or study in Ibero-America. An adecuate incorporation of gender perspective, as well as an incorporation in the analysis of the issues related with SDG 5 (Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls) will be positively valued.
- Receive a positive evaluation by the VI CIED Scientific Committee.
- There are no specific requirements for the author(s) in terms of number, origins or institutional affiliation.
- Registration by at least one of the author(s) and presentation of the work in the VI CIED conference.
- The evaluators of the thematic lines will be asked to propose the best work for each line that meets the award rules. The proposed works will be submitted to a blind review by a jury formed by 4 members, with parity in representation: a representative from SEGIB-AECID chosen by these organisms to act as a member of the jury (presidency of the jury), a representative named by the presidency of the VI CIED Organising Committee, a representative from the REEDES Board of Directors (Secretariat of the Jury) and one of the co-directors of the Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies (RIED).
- The jury can declare the corresponding prize void if they consider that the presented works do not reunite the necessary merits. Likewise, the jury may divide the amount of the Award (in its main modality and honoured prize) via the ex aequo mention. In this case, the corresponding financial endowment will be divided between two.
- The decision of the jury will be not be subject to appeal.
- The payment of the prizes will be carried out via bank transfer.
- Participation in this call implies the express acceptance of its entire bases.