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Íñigo Macías

Íñigo Macías

Research Coordinator, OXFAM Intermón


With a strong background in economics and specialised on international development and cooperation issues, I have over 10 years of professional experience as researcher, advisory, consultant, and project/programme manager both in the private and the public sector. I have also experience in project planning, implementation and evaluation, conference design and management and team coordination as well as public speaker and trainer.

My research interests are in the fields of governance, fragile states, economic development, tax and inequality, and aid architecture and effectiveness.

Fieldwork experience in different regions: Andean region, Central America and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Experience of working with international institutions including collaborating with donor governments, ECLAC, UNDP-Art, the IADB and philanthropic foundations and NGOs.

My objective is to be involved in policy-relevant research and analysis concerning development and international cooperation. I hope to continuously learn and widen my knowledge, and to have opportunities to promote change in developing countries as well as in the way richer countries engage with poorer ones.

Background and education

  • (2002) MSc in Development Studies, London School of Economics (LSE)
  • (1999) Degree Economics, Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
  • (1998) Degree Business & Administration, Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF)


Research interests

  • Development Economics
  • Economic inequality
  • Development cooperation policies
  • Development policies

Selected publications

  • Macías, Íñigo; Ruíz Rodríguez, S

    2017.Una Economía para el 99%, España, un crecimiento económico que deja fuera a las personas vulnerables.Link
  • Macías, Íñigo; Claver, A.

    2016.Bajan los salarios; crece la desigualdad. El impacto de las diferencias salariales en los hogares.Link
  • Macías, Íñigo.2014.In whose Interest? Aid and the private sector.ActionAid,Link
  • Macías, Íñigo.2013.The European Union's commitment as a donor. Cooperation policy coherence in times of crisis.ISPI Analysis,158Link
  • Macías, Íñigo.2013.La institucionalidad económica.In: Fernández de Soto, G. y Pérez Herrero, P. (coords).América Latina: sociedad, economía y seguridad en un mundo global..Madrid:Editorial Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales.Link
  • Macías, Íñigo; Bou, Marc

    2012.La reforma institucional en estados frágiles: Algunos apuntes sobre el papel de la cooperación al desarrollo.In: Barreda, M. y Cerrillo, A. (coords).Gobernanza, instituciones y desarrollo: homenaje a Joan Prats..Tirant Lo Blanc.
  • Macías, Íñigo.2004.Does income inequality limit democratic quality? First results.In: Binetti, C. y Carrillo, F. (editores).An unequal democracy?: Seeing Latin America through European Eyes.Washington, D.C.:Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y Comisión Europea.