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Josep Ibáñez


Associate Professor of International Relations, UPF


Josep Ibáñez has been a professor of International Relations at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) since 1996. He received his PhD in International Studies in 2003. Prior to that, he had studied Political Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Translation and Interpretation at the University of the West of England and Université Rennes 2-Haute Bretagne. He has worked in post-graduate programmes at several universities, including UPF, the University of Denver, Seoul National University, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the Universidad del País Vasco, the UAB and the Centre d'Estudis Internacionals-Universitat de Barcelona. He has worked as a professor of Global Governance at the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals since 2007. His research is dedicated to the role of non-state actors and authorities in world politics; the political economy of information and communication technology; and issues of global governance (the Internet, cyber security, international organised crime and private military and security companies). Apart from his teaching and research, he has also worked as a consultant on foreign investment and has translated several books on international political economy.

Background and education

  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra


Research interests

  • International Relations
  • International Political Economy
  • Foreign Policy Analysis

Selected publications

  • Ibáñez, Josep.2011."Transnational Private Authorities and the Erosion of Democracy", en Noé Cornago, Igor Filibi y Justin O. Frosini (eds.), Democracy with(out) nations? Old and new foundations for political communities in a changing world, Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, 2011, pp. 203-228..
  • Ibáñez, Josep.2011."Unidad y pluralismo en el Derecho internacional público y en la Comunidad internacional", en Caterina García y Ángel J. Rodrigo (eds.), Actores, autoridades y sujetos: el pluralismo de la política mundial y su incidencia sobre el ordenamiento jurídico internacional, Madrid: Tecnos, 2011, pp. 107-128..
  • Ibáñez, Josep.2009."Los países en desarrollo en el sistema internacional de comercio", en Irene Rodríguez y Carlos Teijo (eds.), Ayuda al desarrollo: piezas para un puzle, Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 2009, pp. 103-122..
  • Ibáñez, Josep.2007."Who Governs the Internet? The Emerging Regime of E-Commerce", en Jean-Christophe Graz y Andreas Nölke (eds.), Transnational Private Governance and Its Limits, Londres: Routledge, 2007, pp. 142-155..
  • Ibáñez, Josep.2005."Sociedad postinternacional", en Caterina García y Eduardo Vilariño (coords.), Comunidad internacional y sociedad internacional después del 11 de septiembre de 2001 , Bilbao: Gernika Gogoratuz / Munduan Paz y Desarrollo, 2005, pp. 119-130..
  • Ibáñez, Josep.2005.El control de internet. Poder y autoridad en los mercados electrónicos, Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata, 2005..