Melanie Revilla

Senior Research Fellow
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Melanie Revilla is a survey methodologist researcher at IBEI. She is the PI of the WEB DATA OPP project, funded by an ERC starting grant. This project investigates new measurement opportunities linked mainly to the growing presence of smartphones, including the use of visual data or metered data, to complement or replace conventional survey data in order to get better or new insights ( She is also Editor-in-chief of the journal methods, data, analyses (MDA).
Before moving to IBEI, Melanie was Deputy Director of the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) and adjunct professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona, Spain). From 2012 to 2019, she collaborated with the private online fieldwork company Netquest to do research, mainly about the challenges and opportunities that exist in the frame of web surveys. She also actively participated in several European Social Survey (ESS) projects and in the creation of the SQP 2.0 software ( She received her PhD from UPF in 2012, in the areas of statistics and survey methodology, under the supervision of professors Willem Saris (UPF) and Peter Lynn (Essex University). She graduated in statistics and economics at the 'Ecole nationale de la statistique et de l'administration économique' (ENSAE-Paritech, France) and holds a Master of Science in Economics from the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Spain).
Melanie has a proven track-record of publishing in international peer-reviewed journals (more than 65 publications) and has presented in many international conferences (e.g., ESRA, GOR, WAPOR, QDET2, RC33, ESOMAR, IIeXHealth). Together with Carlos Ochoa, she was awarded the IJMR Collaborative Research Award in 2018.
Main areas of research: survey measurement errors, data quality, mode o data collection, web surveys, mobile participation, metered data.
Selected publications
- 2024.A practical guide to (successfully) collect and process images through online surveys.Social Sciences & Humanities Open,Volume 9, 100792Link