New regional actors and the changing balance of power in the Middle East
Louise Fawcett (University of Oxford)
Louise Fawcett is Professor of International Relations and Wilfrid Knapp Fellow and Tutor in Politics, St Catherine’s College. Her research focuses on the history, politics and international relations of developing countries and international organizations. Major publications include Iran and the Cold War; Regionalism in World Politics (ed with Andrew Hurrell); The Third World Beyond the Cold War (ed with Yezid Sayigh); Regionalism and Governance in the Americas (ed with Monica Serrano) and most recently International Relations of the Middle East (4th edn 2016).
Professor Fawcett is currently Head of Oxford’s Department of Politics & International Relations. She is a member of the editorial board of the Chatham House-based journal International Affairs and chair of the international advisory board of the Bruges-based United Nations University Centre for Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS).