Ramon Torrent

President, Observatorio de las Relaciones UE – AL (OBREAL)
Contact data
Ramon Torrent was until his retirement in September 2017 a Professor of Political Economy and International Economic Law at the Universitat de Barcelona. Between 1988 and 1998, he was a member and later the Director for International Economic Relations in the Legal Service of the EU Council. He is one of the five EU-proposed members of the roster of arbitrators for the EU agreements with Central America, Perú and Colombia, Chile, CARIFORUM, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Korea and SADC.
He set up the International Chair WTO/Regional Integration, first Chair ever created by an agreement between the WTO and a University (2002), and was the Coordinator of the participation of the Universitat de Barcelona in the Virtual Institute of UNCTAD as well as the Director of the Master of Laws in International Economic Law and Policy (LL. M. IELPO). He directed a high number of online courses organized by the Fundación CEDDET in the areas of regional Integration and International relations.
He has coordinated a number of International, mainly EU-funded, projects of cooperation in Higher Education with Latin America, the Mediterranean, the EU’s Neighbouring Countries and Africa. He launched the process of the Arab – Euro Conferences on Higher Education (AECHE). He is currently (2019) the scientific coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project EULAC Focus (“Giving Focus to the cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU – CELAC relations”) as well as the President of “Observatorio de las Relaciones UE – AL, OBREAL- GLOBAL OBSERVATORY” an association with legal personality whose members are 23 institutions of Higher Education and Research from the European Union, Latin America and the Middle East.
Background and education
- (1973) Doctor en Derecho (LL. D.), Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
- (1971-72 and 1972-73) M. Phil courses and research in Sociology, University of Reading, UK.
- (1971) Diploma in Sociology, University of Reading, UK.
- (1970) Licenciado en Derecho (Bachelor/Master in Laws), Universidad de Barcelona.
- (1968) Diploma en Droit du Travail Comparé, École Internationale de Droit du Travail Comparé, Strasbourg – Trieste.
Selected publications
- 2018.ВТО и региональная интеграция: Экономико-правовые основы регулирования (The WTO and Regional Integration: Economic and Legal Aspects of Regulation).Moscow, URSS (In Russian).
- 2017.CETA on Investment: the definitive surrender of EU Law to GATS and NAFTA/BITs.Common Market Law Review,54:1319–1358
- 2016.Revisiting the foundations of the global trade order from a 21st century perspective.ВестникСПбГУ,Сер. 5. Экономика2016. Вып. 1 (Journal of St. Petersburg State University. Series 5. Economics, 2016, n. 1)Link
- 2016.Analysis of the prospects for updating the trade pillar of the European Union-Chile Association Agreement (a study commissioned by the European Parliament).Link
- 2016.Analysis of the upcoming modernisation of the trade pillar of the European Union - Mexico Global Agreement (a study commissioned by the European Parliament).Link
- 2014.La colonización del derecho comunitario europeo por el derecho de la OMC: Resultados y efectos en relación con el acuerdo ADPIC / TRIPS.Unión Europea y Propiedad Intelectual.Barcelona:Las Claves del Derecho.
- 2014.La Asociación Transatlántica de Comercio e Inversiones entre la EU y Estados Unidos entre la retórica política y la realidad.Revista AMEC-Export,nº 37
- 2012.The (Unnoticed?) Contradictory Overlapping of International and Domestic Rules on FDI: Getting the Legal Facts Right.Introductory paper for Panel XXI - The Disorder of FDIs Legal Framework: Different Approaches; Conflicting Rules. Singapore Conference of the Society of International Economic Law – SIEL -.Link
- 2012.Pourquoi un revirement de la jurisprudence ‘golden share’ de la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne est-il indispensable?.In: Editions Bruylant.A Man for All Treaties: Liber Amicorum en L'honneur de Jean-Claude Piris (Melanges) (English and French Edition).
- 2011.The Contradictory Overlapping of National, EU, Bilateral, and the Multilateral Rules on Foreign Direct Investment: Who is Guilty of Such a Mess.34 Fordham International Law Journal,1377Link