Student Paper Series
Academic Year 2022-2023
For the 13th consecutive year, IBEI has granted the Final Research Project Awards. The winners of the awards receive €200.
The committee for the selection of the IBEI Final Research Project Awards 2022-2023 agreed to award the prize to students Michael Harty, Arthur Willoughby, Ainhoa Morales, Ma. Trisha J. Querijero, Lucas Ignacio Abeledo.
Final Research Project Awards
- Michael Harty (Master's in International Relations): From Autocrats to Democrats. A Comparative Analysis of Authoritarian Successor Parties and Democratic Acceptance in Spain, Panama, and Myanmar.
- Arthur Willoughby (Master's in International Security): The Cентябрьский: Exit, Voice, and the Consequences of Mobilisation in Putin’s Russia.
- Ainhoa Morales Chinea (Master's in International Development): In the Eye of the Storm: Gendered Impacts of Climate Change in Africa.
- Lucas Ignacio Abeledo Vilariño (Research Master's in International Studies): Unveiling the Drivers: A Multidimensional Analysis of the Determinants Shaping the European Union’s Global Gateway Initiative.
- Ma. Trisha J. Querijero (Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP): Transitioning Towards Greener Markets: The Impact of Sustainable Financial Instruments in ASEAN (2018-2023).
Academic Year 2021-2022

For the 12th consecutive year, IBEI has granted the Final Research Project Awards. The winners of the awards receive €200.
The committee for the selection of the IBEI Final Research Project Awards 2021-2022 agreed to award the prize to students Victor Delgado Perez, Vicente Constantino Kripka, Alejandra Quevedo, Debora Gonzalez Tejero and Katharina Weber.
Final Research Project Awards
Victor Delgado Perez (Master's in International Relations): WHEN THE HAWKS FLY HIGH. Analyzing the Evolution of Attitudes Towards China in the US Congress since 2008
Vicente Constantino Kripka (Master's in International Security): DETACHING DATA. An exploration of the trend in the amount of events prior to conflict onset
Alejandra Quevedo (Master's in International Development): Understanding Care in the New Normal. A correlation analysis of care after Covid-19 in Colombia
- Debora Gonzalez Tejero (Research Master's in International Studies): CONTESTED LABELS. The operationalization of the IDP category in South Sudan
- Katharina Weber (Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)): Preferential Trade Agreements – an effective policy tool in climate change governance?
Academic Year 2020-2021

For the 11th consecutive year, IBEI has granted the Final Research Project Awards. The winners of the awards receive €200. In the case of the Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP), there have been two winners, who will receive €100 each.
The committee for the selection of the IBEI Final Research Project Awards 2020-2021 agreed to award the prize to students Marnix N.H. Vermeer, Margaux Dandrifosse, Lorenzo Collinassi, Philipp Kittmann, Nils Heller and Sana Batool Naqvi.
Final Research Project Awards
Marnix N.H. Vermeer (Master’s in International Relations): Understanding Political and Economic drivers of Chinese FDI into the European Union: New evidence from a mixed-method approach combining aggregate and firm-level data
Margaux Dandrifosse (Master’s in International Security): WEALTHY OR BLOODY SOIL? Oil, Diamonds, and State-Sponsored Mass-Killing during Civil Wars
Lorenzo Collinassi (Master's in International Development): Don’t kill the rainbow: A cross-country comparison of LGBT+ violence drivers in Latin America, the cases of Argentina and Colombia
- Sana Batool Naqvi (Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)): Women Voting Patterns and Religio-Cultural Determinism in Pakistan
- Nils Heller (Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)): DRIVERS OF POLICY TRANSFER? Exploring the role of private micro-mobility providers in international city-to-city knowledge exchange
Philipp Kittmann (Research Master's in International Studies): La Rosa de Foc: Violent tactics during the October 2019 Protests in Catalonia
Academic Year 2019-2020

For the 10th consecutive year, IBEI has granted the Final Research Project Awards. The winners of the awards receive €200.
The committee for the selection of the IBEI Final Research Project Awards 2019-2020 agreed to award the prize to students Giovanni Dini, Emily Reimal, Isabel Sánchez & Jonathan Brozdowski.
Furthermore, 2 Final Research Projects have been awarded a diploma and a qualification of distinction, stated in the academic transcripts.
Final Research Project Awards
- Giovanni Dini (Master’s in International Relations), Responding to a global pandemic. A Comparative Analysis of New Zealand, Taiwan and the United Kingdom
- Emily Reimal (Master’s in International Security), Exploring the Effects of Foreign Partisan Election Intervention on Corruption
- Isabel Sánchez (Master's in International Development), Impact of the Salud Mesoamerica Initiative on adolescent pregnancy in Costa Rica: new evidence on multisectoral interventions
- Jonathan Brozdowski (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)), Why Do Countries Develop Harm Reduction Programs? A Mixed Methods Approach
Final Research Projects with Distinction
- Isabelle Lengeling (Master’s in International Relations), '(Non-)Intervention is always for someone and for some purpose’. A critical theory analysis on the principle of non-interference within ASEAN
- Lona Burger (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)), Innovative Claims-Making and Media Diffusion. The Case of Mexico City’s Anti-Monuments
Academic Year 2018-2019

For the 9th consecutive year, IBEI has granted the Final Research Project Awards. The winners of the awards receive €200.
The committee for the selection of the IBEI Final Research Project Awards 2018-2019 agreed to award the prize to students Marta Domingo, Andréane Williams, Tobias Baehr & Hannah Pascucci.
Final Research Project Awards
- Marta Domingo (Master’s in International Relations), Causes of Ethnic Unrest in China: The Cases of Xinjiang, Tibet, and Inner Mongolia
- Andréane Williams (Master’s in International Security), Micro-level motivations of combatants in inter communal conflicts. A look into the case of Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh
- Tobias Baehr (Master's in International Development), Estimating the effect of (mobile) banking coverage on installed off-grid solar photovoltaic capacities in countries of sub-Saharan Africa
- Hannah Pascucci (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)), Exploring Persistent Policy Practices: Germany’s Dispersal Policy and the Accommodation of Asylum Seekers
Academic Year 2017-2018

For the 8th consecutive year, IBEI has granted the Final Research Project Awards. The winners of the awards receive €200. This year there are two ex aequo awards which will receive €100.
The committee for the selection of the IBEI Final Research Project Awards 2017-2018 agreed to award the prize to students Maria Nizzero, Anna De Marchi and Rosemary Tasker, and two awards ex aequo for Benjamin Jance and Fabian Steuer.
Furthermore, 3 Final Research Projects have been awarded a diploma and a qualification of distinction, stated in the academic transcripts.
Final Research Project Awards
- Maria Nizzero (Master’s in International Relations), Ungoverned spaces: Why some jihadist groups engage in public service delivery more than others
- Anna De Marchi (Master’s in International Security), Yes We Fear: An issue saliency analysis of the impact of terrorist attacks on electoral campaigning rhetoric in Europe
- Rosemary Tasker (Master's in International Development), Child Marriage Amongst Syrian Refugees: A Rational Response?
Final Research Project Awards ex aequo
- Benjamin Jance IV (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)), Rapid buses, rapid opinions. A frame analysis of the media coverage surrounding bus rapid transit (BRT) systems in Bogotá, Colombia and Jakarta, Indonesia
- Fabian Steuer (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)), Machine Learning for Public Policy Making. How to Use Data-Driven Predictive Modeling for the Social Good
Final Research Projects with Distinction
- Vera Pober (Master’s in International Relations), Gender-Specific Migration Patterns in the Context of Political and Economic Upheaval: The case of Tunisia
- Caio Cesar Paccola Jacon (Master's in International Development), Increasing freedoms in Sao Paulo: Promoting Development through decentralization and participation
Academic Year 2016-2017

Final Research Project Awards
- Olwen Smith (Master’s in International Relations), Winds of Change? An Analysis of Regional Variations in Corporate Discourse on Climate Change
- Filippo Ristoldo (Master’s in International Security), Attacks against Cultural Property as a weapon of war: An exploratory case study
- Lyuba Golovina (Master's in International Development), Measuring the Effects of Foreign-Educated Leaders on Government Education Expenditure in Sub-Saharan Africa
Final Research Project Awards ex aequo
- Ann-Kathrin Beck (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)), Climbing the Ladder of Participation. Non-State Stakeholder Involvement in the Negotiation Process of the Vietnam Voluntary Partnership Agreement under the EU FLEGT Action Plan
- Oliver Rix (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP)), Beyond the Crisis: The Reproduction and Transformation of Long-Term Care Practice and Policy in England
Final Research Projects with Distinction
- Janina Kempf (Master’s in International Relations), On the Road to Wider Divergence? Ethnocentrism and its Drivers in Germany, Post-Refugee Influx 2016
- Shelina Assomull (Master’s in International Relations), How has Gibraltar’s position within Britain’s military structure impacted on the role of women in Gibraltar Society?
- Stefania De Santis (Master’s in International Security), When do Ethnic Organizations Resort to Violence in Democratic Countries? The Mapuche case
- Diewertje Hendriks (Master's in International Development), Is Distributive Justice Sufficient for a Climate Finance Regime? A Climate Justice based approach to Climate Funds
Academic Year 2015-2016

Best Dissertation Award
- Susanne Karine Gjønnes (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy - Mundus MAPP), Mobilising for development: Assessing the impact of public saving institutions in determining national savings levels
- Austin Ruckstuhl (Master’s in International Relations), The Blurring of Insiders and Outsiders: The TPP Transparency Campaign
- Andrew Sprague (Master’s in International Security), Russian Meddling In Its Near Abroad. The Use of Frozen Conflicts as a Foreign Policy Tool
Master Dissertations with Distinction
- Nicholas Langridge (Master’s in International Relations), Is there a choice when it comes to ethical-trade? An examination of coffee production in Nicaragua
- Valentina Restrepo (Master’s in International Relations), La desecuritización de una amenaza multisectorial e institucionalizada: el caso del conflicto armado con las FARC en Colombia
- Natalia Umansky Casapa (Master’s in International Security), What is the effect of terrorist attacks on the securitization of migration? Case studies from the UK and Spain
- Lara Sampaio (Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy - Mundus MAPP), Beliefs, dissents and policy change: An application of the advocacy coalition framework to the drug policy debate in Brazil
Academic Year 2014-2015

Best Dissertation Award
- Miguel Alberto N. Gomez, Arming Cyberspace: The Militarization of a Virtual Domain
Master Dissertations with Distinction
- Aude Voortman, Terrorism in Europe. Explaining the disparity in the number of jihadist foreign fighters between European countries
- Lisa Stegall, Immigration and asylum policy in Europe. Explaining the variation in recognition rates regarding applications for asylum across different European destination countries in the light of the current refugee crisis
- Jessica Hyne, Region, rights and religion: Cross-national determinants of abortion laws
- Jesús Manuel Ares Mújica, The dramatic increase of violent crime in Venezuela since 1999: The Relationship between homicide and the country's new role in drug trafficking
- Celeste Saccomano, The causes of femicide in Latin America
- Myles O. Stiffler, Fiscal Federalism and Insolvency: Contrasting Cases of the U.S.A. and Germany. Case Study Analysis of Subnational Debt Frameworks and Insolvency Mechanisms
Academic Year 2013-2014

Best Dissertation Award
- Torsten Mix, Lethal Repression of Peaceful Protest in Africa. Why Do (non-) Accountable and Military Regimes Shoot
Master Dissertations with Distinction
- Alexandra Ingvarsson, Migrants and the welfare state. An examination of variation in migrants’ access to social benefits
- Aleksandra Piletic, Emergence, Evolution and Entrenchment of Neoliberal Processes. New York City and London 1970s to the present
- James Wilhelm, Drivers and Brakemen: Explaining Cross-National Variation in Support for European Foreign Policy supranationalisation
- Paula Sanchez Mejorada Ibarra, Remesas colectivas y desarrollo local: Análisis de la participación de los municipios marginados en el Programa 3x1 para Migrantes en México
Academic Year 2012-2013

Best Dissertation Award
- Sara Nikolic, In Search of Reasoned Consensus: the Influence of Non-State Actors within International Environmental Negotiations
- Enrique Wedgwood Young, The Infrastructure of Violence? Investigating Variation in the Intensity of Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa
Master Dissertations with Distinction
- Marta Sanchez Dionis, Bridging the Gap between Commitment and Compliance: State Capacity and Human Rights in Guatemala
- Jesse Harber, The Malevolent Invisible Hand: Evolving Institutions of Social and Labour Control in Apartheid and Post-Apartheid South Africa
- Anna Isabel Duch, The Political Economy of EU-Developing Countries Preferential Trade Agreements in Services: The role of transparency, relative factor endowments and bargaining power
- Eugenio Díaz Llabata, Instituciones Políticas y Terrorismo. La excepción de Oriente Medio
Academic Year 2011- 2012

Best Dissertation Award
Master Dissertations with Distinction
- Cassia Casagrande, The impact of public discourse on the securitization of the asylum law (LAsi) and policies in Switzerland
- Rachel Meyer, Peace Without Tranquility. A comparative analysis of two causal explanations of persistent violence in El Salvador and Honduras
- Saskia Widenhorn, Braving the storm: How are global biofuel policies sustained despite being contested? An analysis of the biofuel discourses of the EU, Brazil and Mozambique
- Marta Forns, Hollywood Films in the Non-Western World: What Are the Criteria Followed by the Chinese Government When Choosing Hollywood Film Imports?
- Jan Philipp Gausmann, A Game-Theoretic Approach to Cooperation in the European Gas Market. Why a Gas Exporters’ Cartel Has Not Yet Materialized
Academic Year 2010-2011

Best Dissertation Award
- Penelope Kourtellidou, The Impact of Education in Sustaining/Transcending Ethnic Conflict. Evidence from Two Post-Conflict Fragmented Societies: Cyprus and Northern Ireland
Master Dissertations with Distinction
- Cristina Gonzalez, Political Violence and Inequality in Latin America During The Cold War
- Yauheniya Nechyparenka, Democratic Transition in Belarus: Cause(s) of Failure
- David Zrost, Why states pursue nuclear weapons programmes? The Iran case
- Juan Masullo, Sobre el poder blando y el biopoder. Evaluando el potencial impacto y limitaciones de M. Foucault en las RI