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Master's in International Relations

Syllabus Full Time

The course syllabus presents an innovative structure, stimulating continuous learning, with highly-qualified teachers linked to the three universities that jointly offer the degree, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, as well as to other major international academic institutions.

The Master's in International Relations is offered in two different language options: the bilingual (Spanish-English) option, in which students follow approx. half the compulsory courses in each of the two languages, while they can choose from the whole range of electives in either in Spanish or English and the English-only option, in which all the compulsory courses are taught in English, including the pathway core courses. In this language track, students can also choose elective courses in Spanish, if they wish. The electives are offered to a large extent in English, however, some will only be available in Spanish. More detailed information about the courses can be found on the website.

The Master's syllabus is made up of a combination of core subjects and a wide range of electives that reflect the students' individual interests. Building on knowledge acquired in the first semester, in the second semester students will take a pathway specialty and, in this way, build their education according to their individual interests within the different International Relations themes.

During their second semester of studies, students can choose one of the following five pathways:

In addition, IBEI is offering concentrations, suggested groups of four or five elective courses and a pathway course that combine to give a clear focus on one policy area or region. Students may choose how many of the electives to take, and may also choose freely from across all of the electives on offer. 

Conflict in Global Politics

Pathway:   Conflict, Threats and Violence in Global Politics
Semester 1 elective:

Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts

Civil Wars

Semester 2 electives:          

Peace Processes and Conflict Resolution

Seguridad Internacional y Fuerzas Armadas

The politics and practice of international humanitarianism

International Security and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Natural Resources and Armed Conflicts

Governance and Diplomacy

Pathway:   Global Governance
Semester 1 elective:        

International Relations of Global Cities

The BRICS and the Global Power Shift

Sistema Jurídico Internacional

American Foreign Policy          

Semester 2 electives:  

Politics of International Sanctions

Foreign Policy Analysis

Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Globalization

International Relations in Latin America

International Relations in Asia

International Relations of the Middle East

Foreign and Security Policy of the Russian Federation

Complex Governance of Global Challenges

Politics of International Organizations

Science Diplomacy

Environment and Sustainability

Pathway:   International Environmental Policy                                               
Semester 1 elective:

Understanding Development: theory and practice

Programme Evaluation in Development

Semester 2 electives:            

Development, Environment and Natural Resources

Natural Resources and Armed Conflicts                                    

Geopolitics of Energy

Global Political Economy

Pathway:   International Political Economy
Semester 1 elective:

European Union Political Processes

Political Economy of Welfare State

Data Analysis for International Relations

Semester 2 electives:              

International Business and Economic Institutions

Game Theory for International Relations

Evaluation of Development Programs: Experimental Methods   

Data Visualization

The Politics of the MENA Region


Mediterranean Area Studies                            

Semester 1 electives:

Islam and Politics

Semester 2 electives:  


International Relations of the Middle East

Immigration Integration Policies

Geopolitics of Energy

Minority Politics in the Middle East

The Master's in International Relations programme includes three different types of courses and a final dissertation:

  • Core courses: 24 ECTS (depending on studies previously carried out, it may be possible to replace a core course with an equivalent or greater number of elective course credits)
  • Pathway core courses: 6 ECTS (subject to be chosen according to the pathway selected)
  • Electives: 20 ECTS
  • Final Dissertation: 10 ECTS

Throughout the year, IBEI offers both students and teaching staff a series of conferences and seminars carried out by high-profile international specialists as well as well-known professionals and politicians.

Syllabus (one-year, full-time option)

Syllabus MIR FT

To apply for this programme, please complete the online application form.

Application form