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25 · SEPTEMBER · 2024

The ETHNICGOODS Project at ASA and APSA 2024

The team representing the ERC-funded ETHNICGOODS project made significant contributions to ongoing debates on nation-building at this year’s ASA and APSA conferences.

At the American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting in Montreal (August 9-13), Post-Doctoral researcher Emre Amasyali presented two papers on behalf of the team. The first, "Varieties of Nation-Building: A Conceptual Framework and New Dataset," introduces the Nation-Building Policies (NBP) dataset, the central output of the ETHNICGOODS project, and outlines four nation-building approaches: assimilation, accommodation, segregation, and eradication. The second paper, "Closer to the Source: Examining the Role of Cultural Status Inequalities in Civil Wars," explores how government policies on religion and language can escalate or mitigate conflict.

At the American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia (September 5-8), Principal Investigator Matthias vom Hau continued the dialogue, presenting the same paper on cultural inequalities and civil wars. He also presented new research titled "The Information Capacity of States, Ethnic Diversity, and Social Development," which examines how state capacity shapes ethnic diversity and its impact on development.

The ETHNICGOODS project is in its final stages and the team is preparing to unveil the NBP dataset soon.

For more information, follow the ETHNICGOODS project on X