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2018 edition | Barcelona Summer School in Global Politics, Development and Security

20 - 29 June 2018. Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (Barcelona)

Download the Summer School brochure

The Barcelona Summer School in Global Politics, Development and Security is a programme designed for graduate students and all those who have an interest in advanced knowledge of international security, international development and global politics issues. The objective is to offer different short courses on significant topics, taught by scholars and experts of international prestige. The School will enable participants to broadly discuss - in and out the classroom - current developments in world politics in the light of core social-science and IR theories and perspectives. A social programme for networking will be also available to participants. Optionally, students may ask for an assessment in order to be able to obtain ECTS credits, provided they are recognized by their university.


Pere Vilanova_foto
Pere Vilanova
Catedrático emérito de ciencia política, UB
Martin Shaw
Martin Shaw
Profesor de investigación, IBEI Profesor emérito, University of Sussex

With the support of: