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3rd RGCS Symposium. Creativity and (Co-)Creation in Changing Cities: collectively organizing for new modes of production and innovation

Del Lunes 14 de enero de 2019 a las 8:30, hasta el Martes 15 de enero de 2019 a las 18:30
Monday 14th at 'Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona' (Avinguda Diagonal, 690 - 696, 08034 Barcelona) and Tuesday 15th at 'Ca l’Alier' (Carrer de Pere IV, 362, 08019 Barcelona)

14th and 15th January 2019 - Barcelona


Monday, 14th of January 2019: Academic (Un)Conference

Location: Universidad de Barcelona, Facultad de Economía y Empresas, Avinguda Diagonal, 690 - 696

8h30 - 9h00


9h00 - 9h10

Welcome address by Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (University of Barcelona) & Héloïse Berkowitz (CNRS, TSM Research)

9h10 - 9h50

Keynote by Andreea Gorbatai (UC Berkeley) (Building 690, Room Aula Magna)
“Collaborative Movements: Lessons for Co-Creating a Better World”

10h - 11h30

Parallel Sessions 1 in Building 696: Pecha Kucha presentations (see annex for presentation guidelines)

Session 1A Rethinking entrepreneurship and innovation, Room 2016
Chaired by Graeme Evans (University of the Arts London)

Session 1B Transforming the City, Room 2017
Chaired by Pierre Laniray (Paris-Dauphine University)

Collaboration and Co-Creation in Waste Innovation, Graeme Evans

Beyond the walls: organizing solidarity in the city for homeless, Lucie Cortambert

Co-working Spaces: Catalysts for Collective Entrepreneurship, Nour Alrabie

Can artistic organizations renew the contemporaneous city?, Julia Parigot

Fostering Skills for the 21st Century: The Role of Fab Labs and Makerspaces, Thierry Rayna & Ludmila Striukova

Open data ecosystems: what models to co-create service innovations in smart cities?, Arthur Sarazin, Carine Dominguez-Péry & Khaled Bouabdallah

In a deeptech incubator, neither startup founders nor startup joiners have 'developer' work habits", Benjamin Traullé & Jean-Michel Dalle

Strategic Cooperation Dynamics, Community Capacity Building and Collaborative Practices in Second Tier Cities Regeneration Projects: The Bilbao Case Study, Beatriz Plaza & Marisol Esteban

Self-Organized Teams and Co-creation among Crowdsourcing Workers in Nigeria, Ayominku Idowu & Amany Elbanna

The concerted fabrication of the contemporary city: critical assessment of the Bordeaux Bassins à Flots Case (La Fabrique concertée de la ville contemporaine: bilan critique du cas des Bassins à Flots de Bordeaux), Sophie Houdart, Eric Jolivet & Alain d'Iribarne

The homeless as an urban entrepreneur: exploring the informal entrepreneurship of cities, Yoann Bazin

The contribution of collaboration in creating value within an innovative project How stake holders in a collaborative work are organized to co-create value Case study: « Algiers Smart City », Souraya Ismail & Imad Haroubia



12h00 - 13h30

Parallel Sessions 2 in Building 696: Pecha Kucha presentations (see annex for presentation guidelines)

Session 2A Digital & New Workspaces, Room 2016
Thierry Rayna (Ecole polytechnique)

Session 2B Community & New Workspaces, Room 2017
Chaired by Amadou Lo (Toulouse Business School)

„Alexa can hear us!" – How the use of new socio-technical systems in digitized organizations change our communication, Jacqueline Lemme

Collaborative Spaces as a communities of purpose, Alicja Koperska

Collective innovation and living labs of real estate : an institutionalization of citizen participation?, Cathy Zadra-Veil & Benjamin Fragny

Semiotic models for analysing organizational culture: self-description and semiosphere, Auli Kütt

Employee driven innovation and co-working spaces: an exploratory study, Valentine Georget & Thierry Rayna

Social-return Coworking & Community Currencies: Increasing Inclusion and Diversity within Social Innovation Communities for Community-based Socio-economic Development, Anne Heslinga, Paras Pitafi & Sivhuang Lay

Living labs: a device for healthcare democracy?, Ingrid Fasshauer

Symbiotic Spaces: How Makerspaces Simultaneously Support Exploration and Exploitation, Andreea Gorbatai

The impact of new technologies on innovation practices: The case of digital platforms, Cristian Granados & Montserrat Pareja

Third Places for the Third Mission? – What does the concept of Field Configuring Events do for understanding new collaborative learning and transfer formats in universities?, Bastian Lange

The role of collaborative spaces in developing new practices: case of an open civic digital program, Sabine Carton

13h30 - 14h30

Lunch (on your own)

14h30 - 16h00

Parallel Sessions 3 in Building 696: Pecha Kucha presentations (see annex for presentation guidelines)

Session 3A New work forms, Room 2016
Chaired by Janet Merkel (Technische Universität Berlin)

Session 3B: Knowledge creation & transfer in new contexts, Room 2017
Chaired by Amélie Bohas (Aix-Marseille University)

“From new ways of working to new relationship with work in society and organizations”. The « corporate slashers » case in a large French company, Marie Dagorn

An exploration of surrealism as an esthetic activity in collective ethnographic work, Heloise Berkowitz

New omnichannel spaces, Marc Bertier

Comparing teaching methods in a University of the third age according to a phenomenological view, Andrea Resca & Andrea Benetti

Paradoxical tensions between autonomy and control in coworking spaces: a Foucauldian approach, Aurélie Leclercq-Vanderlannoitte

Drifting together in the city: towards new embodied narratives for collaborations beyond academia?, François-Xavier de Vaujany, Aurore Dandoy & Albane Grandazzi

The neoliberal perspective of social protection in collaborative spaces, Hélène Bussy-Socrate

From the reconfiguration of physical learning spaces to the structuring of a LearningLab Network and to the development of co-design practices, Valérie Caraguel & Amélie Bohas

What should we disconnect from? An exploratory study of disconnection practices in coworking spaces, Pierre Laniray & Najma Saidani

Libraries becoming learning centers, what do you expect?, Aurore Dandoy, Renaud Delemontez, Claire Nguyen & Delphine Pillet

16h00 - 17h00 Parallel Sessions 4 in Building 696: Pecha Kucha presentations (see annex for presentation guidelines)

Session 4A Sociomateriality in new work spaces, Room 2016
Chaired by Aurélie Leclercq-Vanderlannoitte (CNRS, IESEG)

Session 4B Transforming organizations and territories, Room 2017
Chaired by Ignasi Capdevila (Paris School of Business)
Performed boundaries in co-working spaces: interaction rituals as facilitators of knowledge exchange in creative work, Yosha Wijngaarden Coworking Rural: the experience of the Cowocat Rural network in Catalonia, Ignasi Capdevila
Sociomateriality in the context of fab labs, Marcos Barros & Hung M. Nguyen Fab Region: The making of a Territorial Innovation Model based on Fab Labs, Amadou Lo & Eric Michael Laviolette
Stronger together: collectively enhancing hybrid organizing at a social entrepreneurship coworking space, Julie Fabbri & Benjamin Huybrechts How organized are meta-organizations? Developing an analytical framework for partial meta organizing, Heloise Berkowitz & Sanne Bor
The Spatiality of Coworking, Janet Merkel Working in the margin? Collaborative spaces as nodes of a new mobility system outside metropolises, Gerhard Krauss, Anne-Laure Le Nadant, Clément Marinos & Raphael Suire

17h00 - 17h30

Break (Building 690, Room Aula Magna)

17h30 - 19h00

Round Table moderated by Montserrat Pareja (University of Barcelona), (Building 690, Room Aula Magna)
Héloïse Berkowitz (CNRS, University Toulouse Capitole), Graeme Evans (University of the Arts London),
Bastian Lange (Multiplicities, University of Leipzig), François Xavier de Vaujany (Paris Dauphine University)


Concert at Jamboree Jazz & Dance Club, Plaça Reial, Barcelona


Tuesday, 15th of January 2019: Academic (Un)Conference

Location: Ca L’Alier, Carrer de Pere IV, 362

9h00 - 9h30

Arrival at Ca L'Alier

9h30 - 10h30

Presentation of 22@ by David Martinez (Fundacio Barcelona Institute of Technology)

10h30 - 12h00

Learning expedition

12h00 - 16h00


16h00 - 17h15

Round table on “Collaborative Spaces and New Modes of Organizing Work” at Ca L'Alier
moderated by Ignasi Capdevila (Paris School of Business):

Laia Benaiges (@espailamagrana and @coworkinglegal), Ricard Benitez (Cat Labs, Generalitat de Catalunya), Susana Ezquerro (Canòdrom),
Joan Ras (TBC), Ramon Ribera-Fumaz (UOC)

17h15 - 17h30


17h30 - 18h00

OWEE Exhibition of #RGCS2019

18h00 - 18h30

Closing Address by François-Xavier de Vaujany (Paris-Dauphine University)

Local organizing committee

Main contactsHéloïse Berkowitz (CNRS, TSM Research), heloise.berkowitz@tsm-education.fr, Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (University of Barcelona), mpareja@ub.edu

RGCS contacts: collaborativespaces@gmail.comRGCS Website: https://collaborativespacesstudy.wordpress.com/

RGCS on social media - Twitter: @collspacesLinkedIn: RGCS / Facebook: RGCS @collspaces

Scientific board

Héloïse Berkowitz (CNRS, TSM Research), Hélène Bussy-Socrate (Warwick Business School), Claudine Bonneau (ESG UQAM), François-Xavier de Vaujany (Paris-Dauphine University), Julie Fabbri (emlyon business school), Anna Glaser (ESCP Europe), Stefan Haefliger (Cass Business School), Pierre Laniray (Paris-Dauphine University), Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway (University of Barcelona), Cristina Rossi (Polytechnic University of Milan), Viviane Sergi (ESG UQAM), Matt Statler (New York University), Tadashi Uda (Hokkaido University), Paula Ungurean (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

Fees & Contribution

  • Participation is free of charge. A small contribution of 10 euros in cash will be asked to participate to coffee breaks.
  • Lunch is at the charge of the participants. Drinks ordered on site will be at their charge.
  • Concert ticket at Jamboree Jazz & Dance Club, (Plaça Reial): 2 euros


Monday, 14th of January, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa Universitat de Barcelona

Avinguda Diagonal, 690 - 696, 08034 Barcelona

Metro L3 (Zona Universitaria), several bus lines

Tuesday, 15th of Januar, Ca l’Alier:

Carrer de Pere IV, 362, 08019 Barcelona

Metro L4 (Selva de Mar), Tramway T4 (Fluvià), several bus lines


Partners of the third RGCS symposium #RGCS201

Founding partners of RGCS symposium