Actos de graduación
2024. Martin Shaw

The past 27th of June, IBEI celebrated the graduation ceremonies of the 2023-2024 promotion of its Master's in International Security, International Development, Research Master's in International Studies and Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP) at the Paranymph of the Universitat de Barcelona.
📷 Pictures | ▶️ Full video & Summary video of the event | 🔎 Programme in PDF
The event introduction was in charge of Marta Ferrer, Vice-rector for Student Services and Campus Life of the UB; Helena Ramalhinho, Vice-rector of Internationalization of the UPF; and Laura Chaqués Bonafont, Director of IBEI; who inaugurated the ceremony and welcomed all the students, their families, and also all the IBEI community including professors and staff.
Martin Shaw, Emeritus Professor at the University of Sussex, and Research Professor at IBEI, attended the Graduation Ceremony 2024 and gave the keynote speech Responding to the New Global Insecurity.
After this lecture, Tutku Ayhan, IBEI Fellow; took part as a speaker to address the students, congratulating and encouraging them in their promising future after their studies at the IBEI.
IBEI students Rutiksha Bosamia, Student of the Master’s in International Development; Gabriël Antonio Van Veen, Student of the Master’s in International Security and Chi Le Linh, Student of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy, also participated by giving a speech on behalf of their classmates.
Finally, Marta Ferrer, Vice-Rector for Student Services and Campus Life at the UB; Helena Ramalhinho, Vice-rector of Internationalization of the UPF; and Laura Chaqués Bonafont, Director of IBEI, along with Jacint Jordana, President of IBEI, awarded the certificates to all IBEI graduates.
At the very end, there was an outdoor reception with some professors, family, and friends, who did not want to miss the special occasion.
🎞️ Full recording of the event here 👇🏽
▶️ Recording is available here 👇🏽
2023. Arancha González

The past 26th of June, IBEI celebrated the graduation ceremonies of the 2022-2023 promotion of its Master's in International Relations, International Security, International Development, Research Master's in International Studies and Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP) at the Paranymph of the Universitat de Barcelona.
📷 Pictures | ▶️ Full video of the event. Summary video | 🔎 Programme in PDF
The event introduction was in charge of Concepció Amat, Vice-Rector for Teaching Policy of the UB; Pablo Pareja, Vice-rector for Teaching and Research Staff of the UPF; and Jacint Jordana, Director of IBEI; who inaugurated the ceremony and welcomed all the students, their families, and also all the IBEI community including professors and staff.
Arancha González, Dean of Paris School of International Affairs (PISA) at Sciences Po, attended the Graduation Ceremony 2023 and gave the keynote speech A multipolar world in search of a new global order.
After this lecture, Irina Ciornei, Ramón y Cajal Assistant Professor & Academic Internship Coordinator at IBEI; and Yannis Karagiannis, Associate Professor & Master’s in Public Policy Co-coordinator at IBEI; took part as a speakers to address the students, congratulating and encouraging them in their promising future after their studies at the IBEI.
IBEI students Paloma Servin Paredes, Te’a Williams, and Matthew Mclaughlan Merelo, (Master's in International Relations) participated as well giving a speech on behalf of their classmates.
Finally, Concepció Amat, Vice-Rector for Teaching Policy of the UB; Pablo Pareja, Vice-rector for Teaching and Research Staff of the UPF; Narcís Serra, President of IBEI; and Jacint Jordana, Director of IBEI; awarded the certificates to all IBEI graduates.
At the very end, there was an outdoor reception with some professors, family, and friends, who did not want to miss the special occasion.
🎞️ Full recording of the event here 👇🏽
▶️ Recording is available here 👇🏽
2022. Quique BASSAT

The past 27th of June, IBEI celebrated the graduation ceremonies of the 2021-2022 promotion of its Master's in International Relations, International Security, International Development, Research Master's in International Studies and Public Policy (Mundus MAPP) at the Paranimf of the Universitat de Barcelona.
📷 Pictures | ▶️ Full video of the event. Summary video | 🔎 Programme in PDF
The event introduction was in charge of Xavier Triadó, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation of the UB; Xavier Ramos, Vice-Rector for Economics of the UAB; Ester Oliveras, Vice-rector of Social Compromise and Sustainability of the UPF; and Jacint Jordana, Director of IBEI; who inaugurated the ceremony and welcomed all the students, their families, and also all the IBEI community including professors and staff.
Quique Bassat, ICREA Research Professor, Head of the Malaria Programme of ISGLobal; attended the Graduation Ceremony 2022 as a keynote speaker, focusing on global health, inequalities and how to fight them.
After this lecture, Laura Chaqués Bonafont, Professor of Political Science at UB and Senior Research Associate at IBEI; took part as a speaker to address the students, congratulating and encouraging them in their promising future after their studies at the IBEI.
IBEI students Shivam Shammit Ghai, Angel Manuel Almendros Salerno & Mercédesz Mária Lajos (Master's in International Relations) participated as well giving a speech. They highlighted to their classmates the need to become the change they want to see in the world.
Ambiorix Feliz Brito, IBEI Alumni Barcelona Chapter Lead; addressed the future graduates stressing the relevance of the synergies and opportunities between our alumni & our recent graduates: "IBEI will always your home, you will always be welcome here"
Finally, Xavier Triadó, Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation of the UB; Xavier Ramos, Vice-Rector for Economics of the UAB; Ester Oliveras, Vice-rector of Social Compromise and Sustainability of the UPF; Narcís Serra, President of IBEI; and Jacint Jordana, Director of IBEI; awarded the certificates to all IBEI graduates.
At the very end, there was an outdoors reception with some professors, family, and friends, who did not want to miss the special occasion.
🎞️ Full recording of the event here 👇🏽
2021. Pol MORILLAS

The past 6th of September, IBEI celebrated the graduation ceremonies of the 2019-20 and 2020-21 promotions of its Master's in International Relations, International Security, International Development, Research Master's in International Studies and Public Policy (Mundus MAPP) at the Auditorium of the Ciutadella Campus of Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Academic year 2020-21
- Master's in International Relations and Master's in Public Policy (Mundus MAPP). Download the PDF Programme
- Master's in International Development, Master's in International Security and Research Master's in International Studies. Download the PDF Programme
The event introduction was in charge of IBEI's director Jacint Jordana, who inaugurated the ceremony and welcomed all the students, their families, and also all the IBEI community including professors and staff.
Pol Morillas, Director of CIDOB, attended the Graduation Ceremony 2021 as a keynote speaker.
Andrea Bianculli, Assistant Professor at IBEI; and Lesley-Ann Daniels, Research Fellow at IBEI; took part as speakers to address the students, congratulating and encouraging them in their promising future after their studies at the IBEI. You can access the transcript of Andrea and Lesley-Ann speeches.
IBEI students Louisa Cramer (Master's in International Relations), Ksenia Rodionova (Master's in International Development), and Viviane Ogou (Master's in International Security), participated as well giving a speech on behalf of the rest of their classmates. You can access the transcript of Louisa, Ksenia and Viviane speeches.
Finally, the Rector of UB Joan Guàrdia, IBEI's director Jacint Jordana and the President of IBEI Narcís Serra awarded the certificates to all IBEI graduates.
The Rector of UB Joan Guàrdia also made a final speech as a way of closure.
At the very end, there was an outdoors reception with some professors, family, and friends, who did not want to miss the special occasion.
2020. Isabelle ANGUELOVSKI

Academic year 2019-20
The event introduction was in charge of the Rector of UPF Oriol Amat and IBEI's director Jacint Jordana, who inaugurated the ceremony and welcomed all the students, their families, and also all the IBEI community including professors and staff.
Isabelle Anguelovski, ICREA Research Professor and Director of the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability, attended the Graduation Ceremony 2020 as a keynote speaker.
After this lecture, Frank Borge Wietzke, Associate Professor at IBEI, took part as a speaker to address the students, congratulating and encouraging them in their promising future after their studies at the IBEI. You can access the transcript of his speech here.
IBEI students Ziarla Mae Malabanan (Master's in International Relations), and Pol Alberti (Master's in International Security), participated as well giving a speech on behalf of the rest of their classmates.
Finally, the Rector of UPF Oriol Amat, IBEI's director Jacint Jordana and the President of IBEI Narcís Serra awarded the certificates to all IBEI graduates.
At the very end, there was an outdoors reception with some professors, family, and friends, who did not want to miss the special occasion.
2019. Cristina GALLACH

El 28 de junio de 2019 se celebró en el CaixaForum de Barcelona el acto de graduación de los Másters del IBEI en Relaciones Internacionales, Seguridad Internacional, Políticas Públicas (Mundus MAPP), y Desarrollo Internacional.
📷 Álbum de imágenes | ▶️ Vídeos del acto | ⬇️ Programa en PDF
La introducción del acto estuvo a cargo del director del IBEI Jacint Jordana, quien inauguró la ceremonia y dio la bienvenida a todos los estudiantes, a sus familias, y también a toda la comunidad del IBEI que estaba presente, incluyendo profesorado y personal de gestión.
Cristina Gallach, High Commissioner para la Agenda 2030 de España, participó en la Ceremonia de Graduación de 2019 como ponente principal. Su conferencia está disponible en vídeo aquí.
Después de esta ponencia, Fulya Apaydin, profesora ayudante en el IBEI, intervino como oradora para dirigirse a los estudiantes, felicitándoles y alentándolos en su prometedor futuro después de sus estudios en el IBEI. Podrás ver su charla en vídeo aquí.
Participaron también los estudiantes Vilma Adela Davalos (Máster en Desarrollo Internacional) y Drake Palmer Starling (Máster en Relaciones Internacionales), dando un discurso en representación del resto de sus compañeros. Puedes acceder a su intervención en vídeo aquí, y también leer la transcripción de su discurso.
Finalmente, los representantes académicos de las universidades que expiden el título de los másters (UPF, UB y UAB) entregaron los títulos a los estudiantes. El acto contó con la participación de Laura Feliu, decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UAB; Francisco Esteban Bara, Vicerrector de Comunicación de la UB; y Jaume Casals, Rector de la UPF.
El Presidente del IBEI Narcís Serra también dio un discurso final a modo de clausura.
Para finalizar, se organizó una recepción con algunas bebidas y aperitivos, en compañía de profesores, familia y amigos, quienes no querían perderse esta ocasión tan especial.
2018. Mark FREEMAN

📷 Álbum de imágenes | ⬇️ Programa en PDF | ▶️ Vídeos del acto
Localización: Paranimf de la Universitat de Barcelona
El discurso de bienvenida estuvo a cargo del Dr. Francisco Esteban Bara, Delegado del rector para el Observatorio de los Estudiantes de la Universitat de Barcelona. Su discurso fue seguido por unas calurosas palabras del director del IBEI Jacint Jordana.
Mark Freeman, Director Ejecutivo del Institute for Integrated Transitions (IFIT), participó en la Ceremonia de Graduación de 2018 con la conferencia “Theory and Practice: Why both matter”, disponible en vídeo aquí.
Después de esta conferencia, Aina Gallego, Investigadora Ramon y Cajal en IBEI (Profesora agregada), intervino como oradora para dirigirse a los estudiantes, felicitándoles y alentándolos en su prometedor futuro después de sus estudios en el IBEI. Puedes leer su charla aquí, y también verla en vídeo.
Finalmente, los vicerrectores de las universidades que expiden el título de los másters (UPF, UB y UAB) entregaron los títulos a los estudiantes. El acto contó con la participación de la Dra. Laura Feliu, decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UAB; el Dr. Francisco Esteban Bara, Delegado del Rector del Observatorio Estudiantil de la UB; y el Dr. David Sancho, Director del Departamento de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UPF.
El Presidente del IBEI Narcís Serra también dio un discurso final a modo de clausura.
Para finalizar, se organizó una recepción en el jardín con algunas bebidas y aperitivos, en compañía de profesores, familia y amigos, quienes no querían perderse esta ocasión tan especial.
2017. José Ignacio TORREBLANCA

Localización: Paranimf de la Universitat de Barcelona
El discurso de bienvenida estuvo a cargo del Dr. Oriol Escardíbul, vicerector de economia de la Universitat de Barcelona, quien mencionó los inesperados cambios en el poder del pasado y los relacionó con los cambios actuales. Su discurso fue seguido por unas calurosas palabras del director del IBEI Jacint Jordana.
El Profesor José Ignacio Torreblanca, Jefe de opinión en EL PAÍS y profesor de Ciencas Políticas en UNED, participó en la Ceremonia de Graduación de 2017 con la conferencia "The New International Disorder”, disponible en vídeo aquí.
Después de esta conferencia, Pablo Astorga, co-coordinador del Máster en Desarrollo Internacional del IBEI, intervino como orador para dirigirse a los estudiantes, recibiendo una entusiasta respuesta por parte de los futuros graduados al felicitarlos y animarlos a estar seguros de si mismos. Puedes leer su charla aquí, y también verla en vídeo.
Participó también la estudiante del IBEI Aaradhana Ramesh dando un discurso en representación del resto de sus compañeros. Puedes ver su discurso en vídeo aquí.
Finalmente, los vicerrectores de las universidades que expiden el título de los másters (UPF, UB y UAB) entregaron los títulos a los estudiantes.
El Presidente del IBEI Narcís Serra también dio un discurso final a modo de clausura.
Para finalizar, se organizó una recepción en el jardín con algunas bebidas y aperitivos, amenizados con música de xilófono en directo y la compañía de profesores, familia y amigos, quienes no querían perderse esta ocasión tan especial.
Nuestros estudiantes tomaron la iniciativa de organizarse y coordinarse entre ellos para crear un Anuario, el cual ellos mismos se repartieron al final del acto.