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Adam Holesch

Adam Holesch_foto


Project manager, proyecto EU-VALUES


Adam Holesch is a Research Fellow at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI). He is the Coordinator of the Bridging the Gaps in Evidence, Regulation and Impact of Anticorruption Policies (BRIDGEGAP) Horizon Project. He also is also responsible for the EU Research and Education Network on Foreign Policy Issues: Values and Democracy (EU-VALUES) and the United in Knowledge: EU-Latin America Academic Synergies (EULAS) JM Network. He also coordinates the Network on Europe-Africa Relations - Education and Research (NEAR-ER). Adam is also member of the Steering Committee of the ECPR Standing Group on European Union.

Adam's research navigates the complexities of European politics through the lens of multi-level governance, with a focus on democratic backsliding, rule of law, regionalism, global governance, and, more recently, corruption. He also examines the repercussions of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on EU politics, particularly its influence on European politics.

Previously, he has held visiting positions at esteemed institutions, including the European University Institute (EUI) in Fiesole, KU Leuven, Central European University, and Queen's University in Kingston, Canada. His work has been featured in leading academic journals such as West European Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Journal of European Integration, East European Politics, Territory, Politics, and Governance, Acta Politica, and Global Governance.

Formación académica

  • (2016) PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • (2011) Master in Political Philiosophy, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • (2005) Magister in Political Science, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn


2006. Award of the Polish Consulate in Germany (Cologne) for the best master thesis of the year 2005 about the German-Polish relations


Líneas de investigación

  • Democracia
  • Política comparada
  • Gobernanza global
  • Regionalismo
  • Unión Europea

Clústers de investigación del IBEI

Publicaciones más destacadas

  • Holesch, Adam; Rutynowska, E; Portela, Clara

    2024.Too Little, but Not Too Late? Assessing the Role of Sanctions in the EU’s Rule of Law Conflict with Poland.In:

    Luisa Antoniolli and Carlo Ruzza (eds.)

    The Rule of Law in the EU: Challenges, Actors and Strategies.Cham:Springer International Publishing,pp: 111-129.Enlace
  • Jordana, JacintHolesch, Adam; Schmitt, Lewin; Roger, Charles; Tokhi, Alexandros; Otteburn, Kari; Saz-Carranza, Angel; Vandendriessche, Marie; Zürn, Michael; Coen, David; Levi-Faur, David; Marx, Axel

    2024.Institutional Transformations of Global Governance–Key Challenges for International Organisations.International Review of Public Policy,6(6: 3)EnlaceLogo open access
  • Holesch, Adam; Zagórski, Piotr; Ramiro, Luis

    2024.European radical left foreign policy after the invasion of Ukraine: shifts in assertiveness towards Russia.Political Research Exchange,6EnlaceLogo open access
  • Holesch, AdamPortela, Clara

    2024.Money Talks? The Effectiveness of Sanctions in the ‘Rule of Law’ Conflict in the European Union.JCMS,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Holesch, Adam; Zagórski, Piotr

    2023.Toxic friend? The impact of the Russian invasion on democratic backsliding and PRR cooperation in Europe.West European Politics,DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2023.2202981EnlaceLogo open access
  • Roger, CharlesJordana, JacintHolesch, Adam; Schmitt, Lewin

    2022.Global Governance Research. Exploring Patterns of Growth, Diversity, and Inclusion.Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations,28(4):486-508EnlaceLogo open access
  • Jordana, JacintHolesch, Adam; Triviño Salazar, Juan Carlos

    2022.Trans-governmental regulatory networks and the European Union’s involvement in global governance: an occasional instrument?.Journal of European Integration,44:5:677-693. DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2022.2073445Enlace
  • Jordana, JacintHolesch, Adam; Schmitt, Lewin

    2022.International Organizations and the Future of Global Governance. Technical Report - GLOBE Survey.IBEI Working Papers,2022/58.Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals.EnlaceLogo open access
  • Holesch, AdamJordana, Jacint

    2021.The politics of unilateral secession in the European Union: the case of Catalonia.Territory, Politics and Governance,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Holesch, Adam.2021.Measuring solidarity: towards a survey question on fiscal solidarity in the European Union.Acta Politica,EnlaceLogo open access
Todas las publicaciones
