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Assaf Meydani

Assaf Meydani

Academic College of Tel Aviv, Yaffo (Israel)


Assaf Meydani is Full Professor, and a lawyer at the School of Government and Society, the Academic College of Tel Aviv, Yaffo, Israel. His research interests include public policy, politics and law, Human Rights and political economy. He is the author of several books among them The Anatomy of Human Rights in Israel, Constitutional Rhetoric and State Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2014); The Israeli Supreme Court and the Human Rights Revolution, Courts as Agenda Setters (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and Political Transformations and Political Entrepreneurs: Israel in Comparative Perspective (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009). Assaf served as the Dean of the School of Government and Society at the Academic College of Tel Aviv, Yaffo and as the President of the Israeli Political Science Association.