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Aula Mediterrània | Capturing irregular migration by a macro-sociological lens: 12 steps process from and through North Africa to Europe

Jueves 6 de mayo de 2021, a las 18:30

Mohamed Saib Musette (Research Centre in Applied Economic for Development, Alger).
Chair: Juan Carlos Triviño (IBEI and GRITIM-UPF).

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The inter-university programme Aula Mediterrània aims to foster studies on the Mediterranean with as wide and interdisciplinary a perspective as possible. Started in 2014, it is the result of the collaboration between the IEMed and the academic world.

This event is part of the 2020-21 edition of the conference cycle Aula Mediterrània, which the IEMed co-organizes with different masters from Catalan universities, such as the IBEI's Master in International Relations, to which this conference corresponds. The sessions are characterised by the diversity of subjects and voices, as well as the importance of the events experienced by the region that are of interest not only to the academic world and experts but also the general public. Check all the conferences

Lecture by Mohamed Saib Musette, research director at Research Centre in Applied Economic for Development, Alger.

The speaker will be introduced by Juan Carlos Triviño, research fellow at IBEI and member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration, GRITIM-UPF.

Practical information

Language: English

The lectures will be live on the Zoom platform (with registration) and on the IEMed streaming video channel.

Attendance is free, previous registration here.

Those who attend 40% of the sessions can request an attendance and achievement diploma delivered by the IEMed, jointly issued with the master’s programmes participating in the lectures. Anyone wishing to request the diploma should complete the registration form and attend via Zoom Platform.