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Barbora Valik

Barbora Valik

Central European University (Austria)


Barbora Valik is a PhD Candidate in Political Science at Central European University (Austria). She is also a fellow in the Civil War Paths project at the Centre for the Comparative Study of Civil War (University of York), and she was a visiting researcher at Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) between January–August 2023. Barbora undertakes research on social movement mobilisation, conflict prevention and resolution, and post-conflict reconstruction. She is particularly interested in issues related to power-sharing, autonomy, self-determination, secessionism, indigenous struggles, war recurrence, peacekeeping, and civil resistance. In addition to her research, Barbora works as a teaching fellow at the Global History Lab (University of Cambridge) and as an instructor of undergraduate courses at CEU, mostly focusing on the topics of peacebuilding and methodology. Between 2021–2023, she was the chair of the Conflict and Security Research Group at CEU.