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Claudia Jiménez

Claudia Jiménez_foto

Associate Professor of Public International Law, UAB


Degree in Law from the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona in 1988, Claudia also has a magister in International Human Rights Law by the Human Rights Center at the University of Essex (United Kingdom) in 1990; a magister also in European Studies by the Institute for European Studies at the UAB, 1993, and is unanimously doctorate cum laude in Law by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1995. Since 1997, Claudia Jiménez is a professor, specialized in Public International Law, being her main lines of research International Criminal Law, International Trade, Human Rights, and the European Union's external relations. 

At Degree level she imparts teaching in the degrees of Law, Political Science and Criminology. At post-graduate level she imparts courses, among others, in the Master of International Relations, Security and Development of the UAB, in the Master on International Studies of the IBEI, and the Master in women and Gender. Regarding investigation, her last publications are related to International criminal law, external relations of the European Union or to International Trade. Currently, she is a member of the consolidated Research Group, recognized by the AGAUR, about the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice of the European Union. She is as well part of the Investigation Group, financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness about the Agencies of the European Union on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.

Formación académica

  • (1995) Doctorado en Derecho, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona


Líneas de investigación

  • Derecho penal
  • Comercio Internacional
  • Derechos Humanos y democratización
  • Relaciones exteriores de la UE

Publicaciones más destacadas

  • Jiménez, Claudia; Ayuso, Anna.

    2014.El Observatorio Europeo de las Drogas y las Toxicomanías.In: Pi Llorens, Montserrat y Zapater Duque, Esther (eds.).La dimensión exterior de las agencias del espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia.Madrid:Marcial Pons,pp: 163-182.
  • Jiménez, Claudia.2011.La acción de la UE y sus Estados miembros en la Conferencia de Revisión de la Corte Penal Internacional, Barcelona: ICIP..
  • Jiménez, Claudia.2011.Combating impunity for international crimes in Spain: from the prosecution of Pinochet to the indictment of Garzón, Barcelona: ICIP..
  • Jiménez, Claudia.2010."La participación de la UE en la conferencia de Revisión de la Corte Penal Internacional de 2010” en Pi, Montserrat y Zapater, Esther (eds.) Hacia una Europa de las personas en el espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia?, Madrid: Marcial Pons, pp. 187-210..
  • Jiménez, Claudia.2009.“¿Qué mecanismo nacional de prevención sería el apropiado en España?” en Mariño, Fernando M. y Cebada, Alicia (eds.) La creación del mecanismo español de prevención de la tortura, Madrid: Iustel, pp. 119-152..