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Clumsy Solutions for a Complex World: How (Not) to Curb Climate Change

Jueves 24 de abril de 2008, a las 16:00
Sala Seminario - Planta Baja IBEI
Marco Verweij (Jacobs University Bremen)
In this talk, I will make three claims. First, I will argue that the Kyoto Protocol hinders, rather than helps, the global efforts to curb human-made climate change. Thereafter, I will outline an alternative set of policies that would limit human-made climate change in an equitable, efficient and effective manner (and that would even be beneficial if the current concerns about climate change turned out to be unfounded). Last, I will present a theoretical framework –the ‘theory of plural rationality’ that has sprung from the work of the late anthropologist Mary Douglas– that explains how policy failures come about, and what successful forms of governance look like.
