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David Fernández Rojo

David Fernández Rojo

University of Deusto (Spain)


David Fernández Rojo is a researcher and Assistant Professor at the University of Deusto. David's research focuses on the "agencification" of the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and, in particular, the evolution of the operational cooperation and tasks conferred to the EU agencies, FRONTEX, EASO and EUROPOL. He is particularly interested in the impact of these EU agencies’ operations, in terms of the effective and uniform national implementation of the migration, asylum and border management measures adopted at the EU level. David is a key researcher in the Jean Monnet Network European Union-Asia Pacific Dialogue and coordinator at the University of Deusto of the Jean Monnet Networks EU Law Enforcement and EU Counterterrorism. David conducted part of his PhD research in the U.S. (Washington College of Law and Georgetown Law Center) and The Netherlands (Utrecht University, RENFORCE). He holds a PhD in Law in the joint programme coordinated by University of Deusto, ICADE-Madrid and ESADE. More information about David, here.


Líneas de investigación

  • Migración
  • Asilo
  • Agencias descentralizadas de la UE
  • Espacio Europeo de Libertad Seguridad y Justicia