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Diane Zovighian

Diane Zovighian

Lecturer, Sciences Po (Paris)

Senior governance consultant, the World Bank


Diane Zovighian is an Affiliated Professor at IBEI, where she co-teaches a class on Security and Development in Africa and teaches a seminar on Institutions, Politics and Development. A political scientist, she works as a senior consultant for the World Bank and UN agencies, where she provides analysis and technical support on public governance issues and the political economy of reform in developing countries. She has field experience in several Middle Eastern and African countries, including Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Lebanon and Egypt.

Diane holds a  PhD in Government from Georgetown University (Washington DC, USA) and a Masters in Political Science from Sciences Po (Paris, France).

Formación académica

  • (2018) PhD in political science, Georgetown University (Washington DC, USA)
  • (2009) MA in political science, Sciences Po (Paris, France)


Publicaciones más destacadas

  • Zovighian, Diane; Cloutier, Mathieu; Bove, Abel

    2024.What Drives Citizens' Trust in State Institutions? Large-Scale Survey Evidence on Process- and Outcome-Based Trust in Morocco.World Bank Policy Research Working Paper,10783EnlaceLogo open access
  • Isser, Deborah; Raballand, Gael; Watts, Michael; Zovighian, Diane

    2024.Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st Century: Four Trends and an Uncertain Outlook.World Bank Policy Research Working Paper,10713EnlaceLogo open access
  • Raballand, Gael; Zovighian, Diane

    2024.Institutions and Growth in Middle-Income Countries. Background paper for the 2024 World Development Report.World Bank,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Zovighian, Diane.2018.Clientelism and Party Politics: Evidence from Nigeria.Georgetown University,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Zovighian, Diane.2016.The Political Economy of Reforms: Bringing Interests, Institutions and History Back into the Picture.World Bank,
  • Zovighian, Diane.2014.Budget and Procurement Monitoring in Nigeria: A Civil Society Perspective.World Bank,EnlaceLogo open access
  • Zovighian, Diane.2013.The Politics of “Good Governance” in Mubarak’s Egypt: Western Donors and SME Politics under Authoritarian Rule.Business Politics in the Middle East.Hurst Press.Enlace