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Eva Michaels

Eva Michaels

Investigadora Beatriu de Pinós

Investigadora visitante, Department of War Studies, King's College London


Eva joined IBEI as a Research Fellow in February 2021. She contributes to an H2020 project on Envisioning a New Governance Architecture for a Global Europe (ENGAGE) and teaches core courses on theory and qualitative methods in international security. Eva was previously involved in an ESRC-sponsored research project on ‘Learning and Intelligence Use in European Foreign Policy’ (INTEL). She also worked as a Teaching Fellow in European Foreign Policy, and as a Research Associate on another EU-funded project (‘(In)Forming Conflict Prevention, Response and Resolution: The Role of the Media in Violent Conflict’, INFOCORE), all at King’s College London. Her research focuses on the theory and practice of European foreign policy, the intelligence-policy nexus in European crisis responses and political leadership in European security policy. Her research has been published in Intelligence and National Security, Media, War & Conflict and Journal of Common Market Studies. Eva is a co-editor of Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking: Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise (forthcoming with Edinburgh University Press). She obtained a PhD in War Studies from King’s College London (2016), with a thesis exploring the behaviour of France and the United Kingdom in the preparation phase for EU military operations in Africa. Earlier experience included working with think tanks in London, Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Brussels and Johannesburg.

Formación académica

  • (2016) PhD in War Studies, King's College London
  • (2006) 'Magister Artium' (combined MA and BA) in Politics, Modern History and Law; University of Potsdam


  • 2021. Beatriu de Pinós Fellowship
  • 2008Clausewitz Gesellschaft, award and publishing grant for young scholars in Strategic Studies

Afiliaciones profesionales

  • International Studies Association
  • European International Studies Association
  • Women's Intelligence Network (WIN)
  • King's Intelligence and Security Group
  • University Association for Contemporary European Studies


Líneas de investigación

  • Política exterior y de seguridad de la Unión Europea
  • Nexo entre inteligencia y política en las respuestas a las crisis europeas
  • Relaciones UE-África
  • Teoría de las relaciones Internacionales

Clústers de investigación del IBEI

Publicaciones más destacadas

  • Michaels, Eva.2022.Renewing Realist Constructivism: Does It Have Potential as a Theory of Foreign Policy?.Teoria Polityki,No. 6/2022:101-122EnlaceLogo open access
  • Meyer, Christoph; Michaels, Eva; Ikani, Nikki; Guttman, Aviva; Goodman, Michael S

    2022.Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking. Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise.Edinburgh University Press.Enlace
  • Kissack, RobertMichaels, EvaFernández, Óscar

    2022.Unpacking National Parliamentary Perceptions of CSDP Operations, 2016-2021.ENGAGE Working Paper Series,8EnlaceLogo open access
  • Michaels, Eva; Bahar, Karimi

    2021.Overview of Expert Claims and EU Policy Responses to ISIS’ Rise to Power in Iraq and Syria.King’s College London,INTEL Research Project, dataset:131EnlaceLogo open access
  • Michaels, Eva.2021.Germany’s Anticipation of and Response to ISIS’ Rise to Power: Overview of Open-source Expert Claims and Policy Responses.King’s College London,INTEL Research Project, dataset:89EnlaceLogo open access
  • Meyer, Christoph; Michaels, Eva; Guttmann, Aviva; Albulescu, Ana

    2021.What Lessons to Learn for Intelligence Production and Use in German Foreign Policy from ISIS’ Rise to Power and Russia’s Actions in Ukraine in 2013-2014?.The Policy Institute,King’s College LondonEnlaceLogo open access
  • Michaels, EvaKissack, Robert

    2021.Evaluating the National Acceptability of EU External Action: Conceptual Framework for the ENGAGE Project.ENGAGE Working Paper Series,No.2. Produced for the European Commission:29 ppEnlaceLogo open access
  • Michaels, Eva.2021.How surprising was ISIS’ rise to power for the German intelligence community? Reconstructing estimates of likelihood prior to the fall of Mosul.Intelligence and National Security,Enlace
  • Meyer, Christoph; Sangar, Eric; Michaels, Eva

    2018.How Do Non-Governmental Organizations Influence Media Coverage of Conflict? The Case of the Syrian Conflict, 2011-2014.Media, War & Conflict,11(1):149-171Enlace
  • Meyer, Christoph; Michaels, Eva

    2016.Utilising Open Sources for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution: Potential, Limitation and Recommendations.European Commission, European Policy Brief,EnlaceLogo open access
Todas las publicaciones
