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30 · JUNIO · 2021

IBEI's pre-doctoral fellow Guillem Amatller has been awarded a Research Grant

IBEI's pre-doctoral Fellow Guillem Amatller has been awarded a Research Grant from Banco Sabadell Foundation. It is one of 15 grants available solely for social sciences and humanities and is intended to finance research works related to the performance of doctoral theses. The grants can be earmarked for research stays both at Spanish or foreign universities or centres, or for any other activity aimed at advancing a PhD dissertation. Guillem will devote the award to expanding his work on Technological change and state power.

As established in the terms of the grants, these prioritise research works that help to understand the major cultural, economic, political and social challenges of our time, or which can significantly expand on the field of expertise to which they relate. Therefore, they are a recognition of the recipients’ potential contribution to their field of interest. They are also the result of a highly competitive process.

Congratulations, Guillem!

Guillem Amatller is currently an IBEI Predoctoral Fellow at the ERC project "States, Nationalism, and the Relationship between Ethnic Diversity and Public Goods Provision (ETHNICGOODS)", coordinated by Matthias vom Hau