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28 · JUNIO · 2023

IBEI Study Trip to Geneve 2023

On the 25th and 26th of May, a group of thirty-six IBEI Students travelled to Geneva as part of the 2023 edition of the IBEI Study Trip. This was a great opportunity for them to find out more about international organizations and their day-to-day work, and also to meet with diplomats and practitioners that work at diplomatic missions.

The first visit took place at the United Nations Office at Geneva, where Mr. François Vioud, Associate Programme Management Officer, gave a talk on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The visit was followed by a guided tour of the Palais des Nations.

In the afternoon students were received at the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) by Mr. Hardy Giezendanner, an IBEI alumni from the Master's in International Relations (2011) and current Senior Researcher at UNIDIR's Conventional Arms & Ammunition Programme; together with other UNIDIR staff members.

The presentation consisted of a brief introduction to the organization, its research and work of different programmes on disarmament and arms control and then a short, more in-depth look at conventional arms control, current key issues, debates and contributions of conventional arms control to peace, security and development, followed by a Q&A session.

The last visit of the day took place at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, where the international law professor & Board Member of IBEI's International Academic Council, Mr. Nico Kirsch, gave a conference on “The Crisis of Multilateralism and the Paths of International Law”.

On the second day, students visited the World Trade Organization (WTO), where Mr. Fernando Puchol, Communications Officer, did a presentation about the WTO, covering the history, functions and current work of the organization followed by a question-and-answer session.

Afterwards, an optional visit to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum was offered.

The trip ended with a visit to the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to Switzerland, in which Mr. Gabriel Boichat, The Head of the Delegation, presented the missions and activities of the Delegation, followed by a Q&A.

The presentation was followed by an IBEI Alumni and students meeting, that took place at the delegation of the Catalan government. The event provided a platform for networking, mentorship, and knowledge exchange, fostering a sense of community and bridging the gap between past and present. Three alumni shared their experiences and offered guidance on career paths. Through conversations and shared interest, the meeting left a good impression on both students and alumni, reaffirming the power of constructing an alumni network with purpose.