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LIQUID borders within the EU: in search of member states’ territorial identity and self-perception (LIQUID-EU)

Del 15 de abril de 2018 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2019
Programa de financiación: Proyectos de investigación sobre la organización territorial del poder (modalidad 5)

In the recent years, we could observe that movements for self-government in Europe (Catalonia and Scotland) have increasingly placed their demands in a broader European rather than a pure state context. One of the explanations has been that the EU with its high degree of economic integration has lowered the threshold and costs of independence (Alesina & Spolaore 2003, Colomer 2007). In most EU states, this supranational economic framework (free movement of goods, capital, services, and people in the Single Market) has replaced the national framework, and the sub-state units automatically benefit from participating in it. At the same time, we find some backward movements. BREXIT - the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU – has introduced a big question mark behind the endurance and borders of the Single Market and its four freedoms.

The LIQUID-EU project aims at analyzing this new political scenario, investigating above all the determinants of the success or failure of national sovereignty and self-determination in the EU. We ask the question: Under which conditions do the economic integration offer a chance for the sovereignty and self-determination claims of the sub-state units?

Miembros del equipo

Adam Holesch_foto
Adam Holesch
Persona de contacto

Instituciones financiadoras

Jacint Jordana