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Martin Smith

Usuario sin foto

Anniversary Professor of Politics, University of York


Martin Smith was appointed as Anniversary Professor of Politics at the University of York in 2012. Previously he was Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield and has also taught at the Universities of Essex, Kent and Brunel. At the University of Sheffield he was Head of Department between 2001 and 2005 and Faculty Director of Research between 2008 and 2012. In this role he played a leading role in the development of the ESRC funded White Rose Doctoral Training Centre. Martin was educated at the University of Essex where he completed his PhD on the politics of agriculture in 1988. He was appointed as a member of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2010. His main research interests are British Politics, Public Policy and State Transformation. He has published 14 books and over 100 articles and chapters. He has also received research grants from a number of funding bodies including the ESRC, Nuffield Foundation, Leverhulme and the EU.

Formación académica

  • (1983) BA in Government, University of Essex
  • (1984) MA in Political Behaviour
  • (1988) PhD in Politics, University of Essex


Líneas de investigación

  • Política pública
  • Política de partidos
  • Reforma del sector público
  • Failings of New Public Management

Proyectos de investigación

  • Financial Control and Financial Delegation (Nuffield Foundation)

  • The Chaotic State (Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship)

Publicaciones más destacadas

  • Warner, Sam; Smith, Martin; Richards, David

    2023.The United Kingdom: Permanent Revolution or Muddling Through.In:

    Goldfinch, S. (Ed)

    Handbook of Public Administration Reform.Edward Elgar.
  • Richards, David; Smith, Martin

    2023.Coordination in the UK Core Executive.In:

    Eymeri-Douzans, Kassim, H. and Gorransson, M. (eds)

    Coordination at the Core? Executive decision-making in international organizations and the EU.EGPA.
  • Smith, Martin.2023.The Mythical Constitution in the 21st Century.In:

     Beers, L. (ed)

    The Cambridge History of Britain.Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards, David; Warner, Sam; Smith, Martin; Coyle, Diane

    2023.Crisis and state transformation: Covid-19, levelling up and the UK’s incoherent state.Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society,16(1):31-48EnlaceLogo open access
  • Smith, Martin; Richards, David; Warner, Sam

    2022.The Core Executive and Implementation.In:

    Sager, F., Mavrot, C. & Keiser, L. (eds.)

    Handbook of Public Policy Implementation.Edward Elgar Publishing.Enlace
  • Smith, Martin.2022.Pluralism.In:

    C. Hay , M. Lister, & D. Marsh (Eds.)

    The State.Bloomsbury Publishing.Enlace
  • Solar, Carlos; Smith, Martin

    2022.Austerity and governance: coordinating policing and mental health policy in the UK.Policy Studies,43(2):352-369
  • Solar, Carlos; Smith, Martin

    2021.Decentralisation and central-local relations: the case of policing and mental health in England.British Politics,16:254-271
  • Warner, Sam; Richards, David; Coyle, Diane; Smith, Martin

    2021.English devolution and the covid‐19 Pandemic: Governing dilemmas in the shadow of the treasury.The Political Quarterly,92(2):321-330
  • Smith, Martin; Toprakkiran, Nihan

    2018.Behavioural insights, nudge and the choice environment in obesity policy.Policy Studies,40 - Issue 2Enlace