Matt Barlow

Investigador, IBEI
Lecturer, University of Glasgow
Datos de contacto
Matt Barlow is a Research Fellow at IBEI and a Lecturer in International Political Economy at the University of Glasgow, UK. His research interests are in the political economy of taxation, political economy of development and the global governance of development. His research is situated in two regions of the global South: Latin America and Africa, and explores themes of tax ideologies, sociology of the developing state, political economy of gender and regionalism. He has twice been a visiting researcher at the Universidad Torcuato di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Previously, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of International Development at King’s College London. Before this he was an Associate Lecturer in the Department of Politics at the University of York where he was awarded his PhD. During this time, he also worked as a research associate in the Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre at the University of York where he was part of a team working with academic and civil society partners across a number of funded projects: GCRF-RCUK funded Thanzi la Onse (Health for All), GCRF funded Gender and Health Systems After Covid-19: The Role of Policy and the GCRF funded The natural resources economy in South America: Extraction, Sustainability and Citizenship.
Formación académica
- (2021) PhD – Governance under emergency: The political economy of taxation under the Kirchners (2003-2015), University of York, UK
- 2022. ESRC postdoctoral fellowship – London Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Doctoral Pathway
Líneas de investigación
- International Political Economy of Development
- Economía política de la tributación
- Regionalismo
- Economía Política de Género
- Políticas de América Latina
Clústers de investigación del IBEI
Publicaciones más destacadas
- 2024.Regional governance, gender and the COVID-19 pandemic in the global south.Globalizations,Enlace
- 2023.Export taxes in Argentina: Embedded ideas of state interventionism.Economy and Society,52:4:602-625Enlace
- 2023.Failing Women and Girls during Covid-19: The Limits of Regional Gender Norms in Africa.British Journal of Politics and International Relations,Enlace
- 2022.The Politics of Fiscal Legitimacy in Developmental States: Emergency Taxes in Argentina under Kirchnerism.New Political Economy,Vol 27, Issue 3Enlace
- 2021.Beyond the Boom: Dependent Development and Political Change in Argentina (2010-2015).Frontiers in Political Science,Vol.3Enlace
- 2021.Systems thinking in COVID-19 recovery is urgently needed to deliver sustainable development for women and girls.The Lancet Planetary Health,5 (12):921-928Enlace