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Migration and Extremism in the Mediterranean

10 hour course by Valeria Bello (Blanquerna and IBEI)

  • Schedule: 4-8 July (16:00-18:00). Venue: Blanquerna
  • Format: Hybrid

The course offers an introduction to the theme of international migration in the Mediterranean, by providing students with flexible lenses to analyze current developments in the governance of human mobility. Students will be introduced to the international background of increased migratory trends, and the role of state and non-state actors in border controls, the irregular crossings of borders and the securitization of migration in the Mediterranean area. Students will also get an understanding of the connections between international migration and different forms of extremism, particularly in the post 9/11 context and the perceived “clash of civilizations”. In this light, the course will offer an analysis of current developments in the management of migration crises at global and regional levels. The course will particularly look at the crucial case study of regional instabilities and forced migration in  the Mediterranean and at the connections between climate change, conflicts and forced-migration.