Euro-Asia Summer School 2024
The Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies is an interdisciplinary research centre of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Leuven. It was set up to promote, support and carry out high-quality international, innovative and interdisciplinary research on global governance. In addition to its fundamental research activities the Centre carries out independent applied research and offers innovative policy advice and solutions to policy-makers on multilateral governance and global public policy issues. In 2010, the Centre has been recognized as a KU Leuven Centre of Excellence.
Hitotsubashi University was founded in 1875 as the first business school in Japan. Hitotsubashi Univeristy is one of the most competitive national research universities with highly reputed undergraduate and graduate programs. It specializes in social sciences and its relatively small size (4.000 undergraduate and 2.500 graduate students) enables its students to work closely with professors for their academic achievements. The first week of Euro-Asia Summer School 2018 will be held at Hitotsubashi’s main campus in Kunitachi City in Tokyo, where participants can enjoy its beautiful scenery and a variety of student interactions.
The Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University (SNU-GSIS) is a leading educational institution of international studies, and a member of the Association of Professional School in International Affairs (APSIA). Its program reaches out internationally through its cooperative ties with other partner organizations around the world. As a source of knowledge, skills and ideas, GSIS seeks to contribute to the promotion of mutual understanding, peace, and prosperity, both regionally and globally.
KDI School of Public Policy and Management offers an innovative educational program focusing on policy and international issues and aims to transform mid-career professionals into leaders of their respective fields by equipping them with new knowledge, vision and a global perspective. KDI School also draws from a wealth of research and resources from the Korea Development Institute (KDI), the nation's leading economic think tank, to share Korea's unique development experience with the global community.
The Institut Barcelona Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) is an inter-university institute created in 2004 as a joint effort of all five public universities in the Barcelona metropolitan area and CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs) to promote postgraduate training and research in politics and international relations in order to advance the understanding of global challenges to governance in our world. IBEI is committed to attracting talented professionals as the basis for its institutional growth and enhancing the quality of its training programmes, especially the Master’s Degree in International Relations.