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Regulation of the electricity sector in the Mediterranean (RELMED)

Lunes 18 de diciembre de 2017, a las 13:30
Aula Fred Halliday 24.133 (Primera planta). Edificio Mercè Rodoreda 24
Seminario de investigación

In the face of a rising domestic demand for electricity, Northern African countries must find solutions to guarantee a secure and affordable supply of energy. These countries have thus set highly ambitious targets to develop the production of renewable energy, the achievement of which largely depends on their capacity to attract foreign investment. Yet these countries’ authoritarianism, political instability and development policies are uneasy to reconcile with the stable and market based regulatory frameworks that investors are seeking. Against this background, the RELMED research project will address, in a comparative fashion, the policy, regulatory and institutional trajectories being currently under development in Morrocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Being at the early stage of the project, I will present the current state of the research framework to get feedback before moving on with the field work planned for early 2018.

Emmanuelle's work is located at the intersection between regulatory governance, multi-level governance and EU studies. Broadly speaking, she has been working on the development, evolution and functioning of regulatory institutions in multi-level settings and, more recently, on the judicial and conflictive dimension of the EU’s system of multi-level governance. Her current research focusses on the regulatory governance of electricity in Southern Mediterranean countries. Her most recent work has been published in Regulation and Governance, Public Administration and Palgrave.