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Research Seminar | Divided We Stand: The EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and Europe’s Global Engagement in 21st Century World Politics

Lunes 16 de enero de 2023, de 12:00 a 13:30
Aula 24.120 (Primer piso). Edificio Mercè Rodoreda 24
Seminario de investigación

Ulrich Krotz (European University Institute). ChairJacint Jordana (IBEI)

Ulrich Krotz was Professor at the European University Institute, where he was the founding director of the EUI’s research program on Europe in the World: International Relations, International Security, World Politics, which brings together junior and established scholars from across the humanities and social sciences. His research focuses on issues of international security, peace, and conflict in changing regional and global political environments, transatlantic relations, and various aspects of European security and Europe in international affairs. He is currently completing a new research monograph entitled Divided We Stand: The EU’s Global Engagement Through Military Operations and Civilian Missions in 21st Century World Politics.

During the course 2022-23, IBEI has organised a series of research seminars, which normally take place once a week. Check the 2022-23 programme