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Round Table | 2023 Turkish Presidential Elections: Results and Consequences

Martes 16 de mayo de 2023, de 16:00 a 18:00
Online & Aula 40.035 - Sala Albert Calsamiglia. Edificio Roger de Llúria 40

Emre Amasyalı (IBEI), Andrés Mourenza (El País), Isık Özel (UC3M). Chair: Fulya Apaydın (IBEI)

The upcoming Turkish elections on May 14th could be the most consequential of the republic’s history, having important implications for the future of democracy in the country as well as the Middle Eastern and beyond. For the first time in its 21-year rule, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan faces a critical test against a united opposition led by Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Will the recent earthquakes affect the outcome of the elections? If he looses, will Erdoğan allow for a peaceful transition of power? How will the elections results affect relations with the EU?

Join us for a roundtable discussion of the first-round election results with our expert panel.

Emre Amasyalı. Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the ERC project States, Nationalism, and the Relationship between Ethnic Diversity and Public Goods Provision (ETHNICGOODS) at IBEI.

Andrés Mourenza. Journalist, correspondent for El País in Turkey. His last book is "La democracia es un tranvía. El ascenso de Erdogan y la transformación de Turquía". 

Isık Özel. Associate professor of Political Science at the Department of Social Sciences at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), a member of the Carlos III-Juan March Institute (IC3JM) and the Co-director of the Master in Sustainable Development and Global Governance (MASUS) at UC3M.

ChairFulya Apaydın. Associate Professor and Master's in International Development Co-coordinator at IBEI.

Event co-organized with ETHNICGOODS project