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25 · OCTUBRE · 2022

Series of lectures: Aula Mediterrània 2022-2023

The inter-university programme Aula Mediterrània aims to foster studies on the Mediterranean with an as wide and interdisciplinary perspective as possible. It is the result of the collaboration between the IEMed and the academic world, including IBEI.

In the academic year 2022-23, the programme celebrates its ninth edition. International experts from various professional backgrounds will address key issues of the Mediterranean and international agenda. For instance, the management of energy resources, the global governance of the environment, border management, sectarianism in the Middle East, the political situation of countries such as Sudan or Iran, or the growing Chinese influence in the Maghreb.

We strongly recommend our students to take part in this programme in order to broaden their knowledge in the MENA region. Check the programme

First conference of the series of lectures:

November 3, 2022 · 18:30h

Opening Session
With Senén Florensa, Executive President, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed).

18:45 · Lecture | New tools for environmental defence in the Mediterranean: recognition of the crime of ecocide
With Stefania Negri, Associate Professor of International Law, Università degli Studi di Salerno; and Laura Huici, Associate Professor of Public International Law and International Relations, Adjoint Director of the Master’s, UB.

More information

Conferences co-organized by IBEI

📌 23 March, 2023 | East Mediterranean energy developments amidst the war in Ukraine
With Laury Haytayan, Middle East and North Africa Director, Natural Resource Governance Institute.
ModeratorUmut Özkirimli, Senior Research Fellow, IBEI.
More info

📌 13 April, 2023 | Threats and Alliances in the post-2011 Middle East
With May Darwich, Associate Professor in IR of the Middle East, Department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS), University of Birmingham.
ModeratorLurdes Vidal, Affiliated Faculty Member, IBEI.
More info

Practical information

The lectures will be at the Conference room IEMed, Girona, 20 - Barcelona and live on IEMed YouTube channel.

Languages: The lectures will be in Catalan, Spanish, English or French, depending on the speaker.

Attendance is free.

Those who attend 40% of the sessions can request an attendance and achievement diploma delivered by the IEMed, jointly issued with the Master’s programs participating in the lectures. Anyone wishing to request the diploma should complete the registration form.