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Sovereignty and self-determination in times of Brexit

Lunes 29 de mayo de 2017, a las 19:00
Sala Albert Calsamiglia (40.035). Roger de Llúria building. Campus de la Ciutadella (UPF)

The question of national self-determination is a live one in Europe. In recent years, movements for self-government have increasingly placed their demands in a broader European rather than a pure state context. For some, the European Union and the broader framework of European security and human rights have lowered the threshold and costs of independence. The Brexit - the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU - opens a completely new capital of European integration. Neither the states nor the EU as a whole have developed consistent normative and legal principles for dealing with these challenges.

In this event, organized by the University Pompeu Fabra, the Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI) and Diplocat, we will discuss the consequences of these developments for the future of the EU.

19.00  Welcome

  •   David Sancho, Director of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University Pompeu Fabra
  •   Albert Royo, Secretary General of the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia, Diplocat

19.15  Keynote speech: Catalonia in the EU in the Brexit Era

  •   Raül Romeva, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Institutional Relations and Transparency of the Government of Catalonia

19.30  Round table

  •   Jessica Almqvist, Professor of International Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid
  •   Michael Keating, Professor of Politics at the University of Aberdeen
  •   Jan Wouters, Professor of International Law and International Organizations at University of Leuven
  •   Chair: Jacint Jordana, Professor of Political Science, University Pompeu Fabra and IBEI

20.15  Discussion

Conference language: English

Free attendance. Registration is required at info@diplocat.cat

The conference will be streamed live and can also be followed via Twitter (@ThIsCatalonia and #CatBrexit

Co-organized with: