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The Digital Trade Balance in Latin America: Analysis of cloud computing in its emergent markets

Lunes 29 de octubre de 2018, a las 13:30
Aula 24.021 (Planta baja). Edificio Mercè Rodoreda 24
Seminario de investigación

Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood (Florida International University & IBEI)

Dr. Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood is a Telecommunications and Internet expert. Currently a Visiting Scholar at Florida International University (Miami) and Professor at the iSchool at Syracuse University (NYC). For 2018 she is the holder of the Catedra Telefonica IBEI Research Fellowship (Barcelona, Spain). She also has hold positions as Research Fellow (Oxford Brookes and the London School of Economics and Political Science- LSE) with many years of experience in both academic and industry research projects.  She also has wide experience in the telecommunications industry in the UK and Europe. A professional engineer (BSc, Diploma and MSc from Imperial College London) and Cisco certifications in network design and support. Her PhD was completed at the Information Systems Group - Department of Management at the LSE. Area of specialization: Mobile Work and Mobile technology.