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The European Union and Multilateral Institutions: Towards an Anthology on the State of the Art

Del Jueves 7 de junio de 2012 a las 14:00, hasta el Viernes 8 de junio de 2012 a las 18:00
Room Fred Halliday - IBEI (1st Floor)



The European Union and Multilateral Institutions: Towards an Anthology on the State of the Art


In recent years there has been a considerable amount of scholarly research devoted to widening and deepening our understanding of the EU’s participation in multilateral institutions. In the first instance, widening has taken place through the proliferation of studies on particular institutions, regimes and organisations, as well as through comparative studies of two or more institutions. Our knowledge has been deepened through the interrogation of core concepts (e.g. performance) or the application of more sophisticated analytical frameworks (e.g. second image reversed and inter-institutionalism). Many of the workshop participants have been instrumental in pioneering the studies described above. What can be learned from these separate investigations? What can be consolidated, and what issues remain under-explored?


Workshop Programme