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The New Urban Agenda: The challenges of Cities

Barcelona Summer School in Global Politics, Development and Security

  • June 25 and 26 
    (5.30 - 8.30 pm)



Our world and our societies have changed at a dizzying pace at the same time as the rate of urbanization continues to grow. Consequently, urbanism becomes the essential tool to anticipate these changes -and the problems that arise- and allows us to move towards livable, resilient, solidary, empathetic, democratic and sustainable cities, capable of facing these threats but also the opportunities that present themselves in this new era.

The New Urban Agenda addresses these challenges in order to generate a new urban paradigm that allows us to overcome current deficiencies. Its main element is to consider urbanization as an instrument to generate value and, consequently, as an instrument for job creation, prosperity and sustainable development.

⬇️  Download the Reading List (pdf)