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XXXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association

Del Miércoles 23 de mayo de 2018 a las 9:00, hasta el Viernes 25 de mayo de 2018 a las 12:00

The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) is the largest professional Association in the world for individuals and institutions engaged in the study of Latin America. With over 12,000 members, nearly 60 percent of whom reside outside the United States, LASA is the one association that brings together experts on Latin America from all disciplines and diverse occupational endeavors, across the globe.


Pre-LASA Activities:

(May 22, 10:00) Coloquio-taller. América Central: una modernidad en entredicho. Download the programme (pdf)


(May 22, 19:00) Book presentation: Soldiers, Politicians, and Civilians. Reforming Civil-Military Relations in Democratic Latin America

David Pion-Berlin (University of California) & Rafael Martínez (Universitat de Barcelona)

Presented by: Carlos Malamud (Real Instituto Elcano) & Narcís Serra (IBEI). Registration and more information

(May 23, 09:00) International seminar pre-LASA. La agenda UE-CELAC en tiempos del interregionalismo global: Una visión desde la academia

Venue: Sala Jordi Maragall, CIDOB. Elisabets 12, 08001 Barcelona

Organized by: CIDOB and Universidad de La Habana, with the support of Fundación EU-LAC, and the collaboration of Sección Europa América Latina (ELAS) and LASA Sección Cuba.

With the participation of IBEI members Anna Ayuso and Matthias von HauMore information

LASA 2018 on 'Latin American Studies in a Globalized World' is going to be held at Barcelona next May 23-26. IBEI will be participating in the following panels:

(May 23, 10:45am) Regional Cooperation, Regulation and Development. Europe and Latin America in a World in Transition

This panel will explore the political, institutional and social processes underlying these (inter) regional regulatory dynamics in Europe and Latin America, and shed light on their evolution and transformative impact on development outcomes. More info

(May 23, 12:30am) Explaining Latin American Regionalism in an Age of Uncertainty

This panel will discuss new developments in Latin American regionalism in terms of resilience and change. The topics address will range from advances in sectoral agendas to new desintegration challenges and new forms of governance. More info

Individual presentations:

(May 24, 9:00am) Extractive Industries and social conflict in Latin America

More info

Individual presentations:

  • Popular Consultations about mining projects in Colombia - Ana María Arbeláez (Mundus MAPP alumna). More info

(May 24, 7:30pm) Entre el mercado y el Estado: los desafíos de la regulación de la calidad de la educación superior en el ámbito hispánico

El propósito de este panel es discutir las transformaciones recientes de las políticas de educación superior en diversos países del ámbito hispano, analizando en particular las iniciativas para impulsar instrumentos de regulación basados en la calidad. Las contribuciones a este panel toman como casos de estudio diversos países de la región, más el caso de España, con el objetivo de analizar las nuevas formas de gobernanza regulatoria del sector universitario en cada país, a partir del establecimiento de estándares de calidad, procesos de acreditación y auditoria, así como la creación y fortalecimiento de agencias especializadas en la evaluación de calidad. More info

Individual presentations:

(May 25, 10:45am) Populism and Nationalism in the Americas

Latin America is well-known for its populist politics, both in the past and present. Not surprisingly, there exists a rich set of case studies and lively debates around how to theorize populism and its relationship to democracy. What has received comparatively less attention, however, is the connection between populism and nationalism. Is populist mobilization always nationalist? And when does populist nationalism succeed as a political strategy, and when does it fail to gain wider salience? These theoretical questions frame the proposed panel. More info

Individual presentations: