Research Seminar | Preserving the ‘pecking order’ in Europe’s diplomatic hierarchies: comparing the place of Central Eastern Europeans in the EU and NATO
Karolina Pomorska (University of Leiden); Marianna Lovato (Jagiellonian University). Chair: Elisabeth Johansson-Nogués (IBEI)
Aula Mediterrània - Cicle de conferències | Sectarisme, geopolítica i des(ordre) a l’ombra del 7 d’octubre?
Simon Mabon, director de la Càtedra sobre Política Internacional, Lancaster University, i director del Richardson Institute
Gabriel Garroum, investigador postdoctoral Margarita Salas, UPF, i professor afiliat a l’IBEI
Research Seminar | Constructing the European Law State
Michael Bauer (European University Institute)
Research Seminar | Bound together: how Political Units and Ethnic Groups Shape Each other
Carl Müller-Crepon (London School of Economics and Political Science).
Circular Economy in Strategic Value Chains: A ResilienceDriven Response
Malgorzata Jakimov (Joint Research Centre); Jappe Eckhardt (York University) and Alejandro Buesa (Joint Research Centre)
Research Seminar | Completing the Global: Antarctica and Outer Space in the Development of International Order
Joanne Yao (Queen Mary University of London). Chair: Charles Roger
Research Seminar | European AI policy: between geopolitical pragmatism and the question for independence
Daniel Mügge (University of Amsterdam)
Seminar | Epistemic Justice
Susan Baker (Cardiff University)