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  • García-Juanatey, Ana; Jordana, Jacint; Sancho, David

    2024.Multi-level governance in higher education quality assurance: Agencification and policy coordination in Spain.Review of Policy Research,EnllaçLogo open access
  • Johansson-Nogués, ElisabethLeso, Francesca

    2024.Geopolitical EU? The EU’s Wartime Assistance to Ukraine.JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies,EnllaçLogo open access
  • Michaels, Jeffrey.2024.An Indefinite Alliance? Article 13 and the North Atlantic Treaty.Diplomacy & Statecraft,Volume 35. Issue 2Enllaç
  • Nong, Xin; Wu, Chun-Ying

    2024.Rebel Institutionalization, Religious Holidays, and Political Violence.International Studies Quarterly,Volume 68, Issue 2Enllaç
  • Schmid, Dominique; Vlaskamp, Martijn

    2024.Public preferences of environmental peacebuilding: The case of forest conservation projects in Colombia.Environment and Security,0(0)EnllaçLogo open access
  • Choulis, Ioannis; Escribà-Folch, Abel; Mehrl, Marius

    2024.Preventing Dissent: Secret Police and Protests in Dictatorships.The Journal of Politics,EnllaçLogo open access
  • Bianculli, Andrea C.; Triviño-Salazar, Juan Carlos

    2024.Venezuelan migration in South America: coordinating regional responses to a transboundary reception crisis.Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,1–21Enllaç
  • Bianculli, Andrea C..2024.América Latina en el nuevo escenario internacional: ¿qué espacio hay para el regionalismo y la cooperación regional?.Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals,136:89-110EnllaçLogo open access
  • Barlow, MattGrugel, Jean

    2024.Regional governance, gender and the COVID-19 pandemic in the global south.Globalizations,EnllaçLogo open access
  • Berkowitz, Héloïse; Bor, Sanne

    2024.Meta-organizations for Sustainability Transformations: Navigating Tensions Between Imperatives of Transition and Meta-organizationality.Journal of Organizational Sociology,EnllaçLogo open access
  • Ciornei, IrinaHernandez Sanchez, Alfredo

    2024.European solidarity and social class. An uneasy alliance.Journal of European Integration,1–24Enllaç
  • Michaels, Jeffrey.2024.Rethinking the Relevance of Self-Deterrence.Parameters,54, no. 1EnllaçLogo open access
  • Grothe-Hammer, Michael; Berkowitz, Héloïse

    2024.Unpacking Social Order: Toward a Novel Framework That Goes Beyond Organizations, Institutions, and Networks.Critical Sociology,0(0)EnllaçLogo open access
  • Wietzke, Frank Borge.2024.Perceptions of social class in Africa. Results from a conjoint experiment.World Development,Volume 178Enllaç
  • Apaydın, Fulya.2024.Repression and growth in the periphery of Europe: The politics of changing growth regime in Turkey.Competition & Change,0(0)Enllaç

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