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Eduard Soler

Eduard Soler

Professor Agregat, UAB

Investigador sènior associat, CIDOB


Eduard Soler is a Lecturer of International Relations at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and an Associate Senior Researcher at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs). Between 2016 and 2019, he was the scientific coordinator of MENARA, a European project on geopolitical shifts in the Middle East and North Africa. He holds a PhD in International Relations from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Dr. Soler i Lecha is a political scientist and a part-time lecturer in International Relations at the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals and at Ramon Llull-Blanquerna University. From 2013 to 2017 he lead the El Hiwar project on Euro-Arab diplomacy at the College of Europe (Bruges) and in 2010 he was seconded to the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an advisor in the Direction General for the Mediterranean, the Maghreb and the Middle East. He has also advised in several occasions the Catalan government and the Barcelona local governments on Euro-Mediterranean affairs. His main areas of expertise are: Euro-Mediterranean relations, Turkey’s foreign and domestic politics, North African and Middle Eastern political dynamics, Spain's Mediterranean policy and security cooperation in the Mediterranean. He is a member of the Observatory of European Foreign Policy, FIMAM (the Spanish network of researchers working on Arab and Muslim studies), EuroMeSCo and the advisory boards of Mediterranean Politics and IEMed’s Mediterranean Yearbook.


Línies d'investigació

  • Turquia
  • Seguretat al Mediterrani
  • Relacions euromediterrànies

Publicacions més destacades

  • Soler, Eduard.2022.NATO looks south: priorities, strategies and instruments.CIDOB Notes Internacionals,279EnllaçLogo open access
  • Soler, EduardBarbé, Esther

    2021.Spanish Foreign Policy: Navigating Global Shifts and Domestic Crises.In:

    Joly, Jeroen K.; Haesebrouck, Tim

    Foreign Policy Change in Europe Since 1991.Cham:Palgrave Macmillan,pp: 259-283.Enllaç
  • Soler, EduardFernández de Losada, Agustí

    2019.La batalla de Estambul.CIDOB opinión,nº576, Mayo 2019Enllaç
  • Soler, Eduard.2012.Europa y el Mediterráneo: año cero?.Política Exterior,Vol. 26, Nº 145:130 -140
  • Soler, Eduard.2011.La UE y Turquía: la adaptación a un mundo multipolar.
  • Soler, Eduard.2011.Spain and the Mediterranean from Transatlantic Perspective.In:

    ALIBONI et al

    Southern European and the Mediterranean: National Approaches and Transatlantic Perspectives.GMFUS-IAI Mediterranean paper series,pp: 64-79.
  • Soler, Eduard.2011.European Security Practices vis-à-vis the Mediterranean. Implications in Value Terms.DIIS Working Paper,n. 14
  • Soler, Eduard.2011.The EU, Turkey and the Arab Spring: From Parallel Approaches to a Joint Strategy?.In:

    TOCCI et al.

    Turkey and the Arab Spring: Implications for Turkish Foreign Policy from a Transatlantic Perspective.Washington: GMFUS:Mediterranean Paper Series, October 2011.
  • Soler, Eduard.2011.The Western Mediterranean in 2020: Scenarios for regional security and cooperation after the Arab uprisings.Washigton: GMFUS:Mediterranean Paper Series, December 2011.