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Alexis Roig

Usuari sense foto

CEO of SciTech DiploHub - Barcelona Science and Technology Diplomacy Hub


Alexis Roig currently serves as CEO of SciTech DiploHub, the Barcelona Science and Technology Diplomacy Hub, a pioneering nonprofit public-private partnership backed by Barcelona's leading research centers, universities, startups, corporations and public institutions that positions Barcelona as a global lab in science diplomacy for cities and governments around the world.

He is also a Professor at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST), Associate Research at Barcelona Centre for International Relations (CIDOB), Associate Professor of the Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI), Commissioner for International Affairs of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region strategic plan, and has over 10 years’ experience as senior advisor on science diplomacy for ministries of Foreign Affairs, Science, Research, and Education across Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Mr. Roig is founder and member of the board of numerous nonprofits and think tanks on Public Diplomacy, Innovation Policy, and Science Advice. He serves as president of the Catalan Institute of China; editorial board member of the publication El Món De Demà; member of the Council of Catalonia Abroad, the advisory body on foreign affairs and diaspora diplomacy of the Government of Catalonia; member of the advisory board of Digital Future Society, think tank supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation of the Government of Spain focused on the governance of emerging digital technologies; member of the International Network for Government Science Advice of the International Science Council (ISC); and board member of the Space and Aerospace Commission of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.

He holds a master’s in Computer Science from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, an MBA from EM Normandie Business School, and a Postgraduate degree in Diplomacy from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research.


Línies d'investigació

  • Science Diplomacy
  • Ciutats Globals
  • Política d’innovació
  • Diplomàcia pública
  • Science - Policy nexus
  • Relacions internacionals d'Àsia Oriental

Publicacions més destacades

  • Roig, Alexis; Sun-Wang, Jia Liang; Manfredi-Sánchez, Juan-Luis

    2020.Barcelona’s science diplomacy: towards an ecosystem-driven internationalization strategy.Humanities and Social Sciences Communications,7Enllaç
  • Roig, Alexis.2020.Science and Technology Diplomacy.Centro de Investigación Internacional. Instituto Matias Romero.
  • Roig, Alexis; Jiménez-Mausbach, M

    2019.SciTech DiploHub Barcelona Science and Technology Diplomacy Hub.In:

    Guni (ed)

    Higher Education in the World 7. Humanities and Higher Education: Synergies between Science, Technology and Humanities.pp: 248–249.
  • Roig, Alexis.2018.Towards a city-led Science Diplomacy: The rise of cities in a multilateral world and their role in a science-driven global governance.United Nations Institute for Training and Research.