Ana Ballesteros

Associate Senior Researcher, CIDOB
Dades de contacte
Senior Research Fellow at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs CIDOB. Ph.D. in Arab and Islamic Studies from Universidad Autónoma of Madrid (UAM). She took Ph.D. studies on Islam in South Asia at the School of International Studies of Jawaharlal Nehru University (2001/2002, New Delhi, India). She has taught several courses on Central and South Asia at the University of Castilla La-Mancha (UCLM, 2008-2013) and the Universitat de Barcelona. She has also been part of the Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding group at the School for a Culture of Peace at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona (2014-2015). She is an associate researcher at the Observatory of Politics and Elections in the Arab and Muslim World (OPEMAM), member of the Workshop on International Mediterranean studies (UAM) and the Research Group of Muslim and Arab Societies (GRESAM, UCLM). Dr Ballesteros is also an Affiliated Professor at the Universitat Oberta de Calunya, where she teaches a course on Human Rights and Democracy in the Muslim, Arab and African worlds.
Línies d'investigació
- Orient Mitjà
- Àsia del Sud
- Relacions Internacionals
- El Islam i el paper de la religió en les relacions internacionals i la política exterior
Publicacions més destacades
- 2023.Entre la normatividad y el pragmatismo: las relaciones entre India y la Unión Europea.Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política, Humanidades y Relaciones Internacionales,Vol. 52, Number 53. Second Quarter, June 2023:115-147Enllaç
- 2022.De hermanos y socios: las relaciones entre Turquía, Pakistán e India.Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos,Number 32:202-235Enllaç
- 2021.Las múltiples caras de Cachemira o la historia de un fracaso colectivo.Notes Internacionals CIDOB,264Enllaç
- 2021.Constitutionalism and Shari‘a in Pakistan: A Debate over the National Narrative and the Identity of the State.Shari‘a in the 21st Century – Islamic Law and Its Impact on Global Geopolitics, Economics and Society.London:World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd.,pp: 297-322.
- 2021.Islamismes al Pakistan i l’Afganistan.In:
Lurdes Vidal (Dir.), Ada Mullol i Vitor M. Cabral (Coord.)
.Islamisme(s). Islam i política en un món global.Editorial Base,pp: 150-151.Enllaç - 2015.Pakistán y Arabia Saudí: algo más que aliados.Política Exterior,nº 164, marzo – abril, 2015Enllaç
- 2015.The EU-Pakistan relationship. Looking beyond the trading partnership.Real Instituto Elcano,ARI 26 / 2015, 14 mayo 2015Enllaç
- 2011.Pakistán.Madrid:Síntesis. ISBN: 978-84-975673-1-2.