Anàlisi Comparada de l'Agenda Política
The Spanish Policy Agendas Project is aimed to contribute to the analysis of issue prioritization and policy dynamics in Spain from transition to democracy to present. The main goal is to identify the variations of the list of problems that are object of important attention within the Spanish political system; and to give an explanation of why these variations occur, to what extend issue politicization follows public preferences, and how policy actors –especially mass-media— contribute to explain variations in the prioritization of issues across time.
At present, we are working on five different areas of analysis: (1) the interaction between the political agenda, the media and public opinion, (2) political representation and quality of democracy in multilevel systems of governance, (3) Europeanization of the political agenda and patterns of policy convergence across countries and time; (4) gender and public policy and (5) the mobilization of interest organizations.
Our analysis is based on the development of large datasets, which allow combining qualitative and quantitative methods for the analysis of policy dynamics across time, countries and policy subsystems. These databases have been developed following the methodology of the Comparative Policy Agendas Project: an international network of scholars from USA, Canada and several European countries Belgium, Denmark, France, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK.
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